Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Event Date : Wed, 17 Aug 2022
AHADID : AHA-FL-2022-000885-IDN | GLIDE Number
Impact Update Date : Wed, 17 Aug 2022 18:40:00
Hulu Sungai Tengah
• Chronology : Triggered by high intensity rainfall in mountainous areas of Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah resulted in increased water discharge causing flooding on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Pkl. 18.40 WITA
• BPBD Prov. South Kalimantan forwards the early warning information on the potential for rain to the Regency/City BPBD to be forwarded to relevant parties in the Regency/City and the community to be aware of the threat of Hydrometeorological Disaster
Location :
• Kec. Batu Benawa
- Ds. Aluan
- Ds. Aluan Besar
• Kec. Haruyan
- Ds. Haruyan
• Kec. Hantakan
- Ds. Tilahan
Impact :
• ± 366 families / 1,072 people affected (data collection)
• 1 person MD
Further Info / Handling Efforts:
1. Emergency Management
• There isn't any yet
2. Education
• There isn't any
3. Health
• There isn't any
4. Evacuation and Protection
• 4 families / 7 people evacuated
5. Search and Rescue
• There isn't any
6. Logistics
• There isn't any yet
7. Infrastructure / Material Losses
• ± 366 housing units affected (data collection)
• Water Level ± 5 - 30 cm
8. Economy
• There isn't any
9. Early Recovery
• There isn't any yet
10. Public Communication
• Not distrubed
11. Security
Effort :
• BPBD Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah conducts a rapid assessment and coordinates with related parties
Latest Condition : Thursday, August 18, 2022 Pkl. 09.00 WIB
• Floods have receded, refugees have returned to their homes
Source :
• Coord. Pusdalops BPBD Kab. Hulu Sungai Tengah Mr. Bonang
Informed By:
Complaint Number / Call Center : 117 (Toll Free)
Instagram : pusdalops_bnpb
Twitter : @Bnpbpusdalops