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Indonesia: Flooding expands, submerging 4,000 Bandung houses

Jakarta - The overflow of Citarum River on Thursday has led to the flooding of 4,000 houses in the Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Majalengka region.

"This flood is bigger than the previous, just look at the water surface level of Citarum River which is obviously higher than previous days," Komarudin, a resident of Cieunteung Baleendah village told Antara news agency.

The recent inundation of West Java's longest river has also submerged several highways in Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot, including the Bandung-Dayeuhkolot-Banjaran route though traffic is still unaffected.

"If it pours heavily again this evening, the flooding is going to get even worse," Komarudin said.

Meanwhile according to Antara, the depth of the Cieunteung Baleendah flood waters are reported between 50 to 200 centimeters.