• Flooding by the overflow of Citarum river is caused by heavy rain that happened since Tuesday (08/03/2016) to Sunday (03/13/2016) morning.
• Floods soak 15 regions in Bandung regency.
• 2 People Died and 3 people missing, 3,000 people displaced. A total of 5,900 families / 24,000 inhabitants affected by the floods.
• Refugees started to suffer from the diseases in the evacuation.
Many of refuuges were displaced in the Sports Hall (GOR) Baleendah village, district. Baleendah, Bandung, and they started to complained of pain since displaces. Most refugees complained of headache, cough, cold, itching and high blood pressure. Fatigue and poor hygiene conditions made refugees vulnerable to various diseases.
Floods hit half of the Bandung district since Saturday (12/3). 24 thousand people become victims affected by floods in 15 districts, such as Cicalengka, Rancaekek, Cileunyi, Solokan Jeruk, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, Pameungpeuk, Banjaran, Arjasri, Cangkuang, Katapang and Kutawaringin. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) said the number of people displaced by floods due to the overflowing of the Citarum River reached 10.344 inhabitants and there are 701 infants, 489 elderly people, 38 pregnant women and 290 lactating mothers. The refugees is displaced in 28 refugee camps.
BPBDs Bandung regency, BPBDs West Java Province, TRC BNPB together with military, police, Basarnas, Tagana, PMI, SKPD, some community activists disaster like Dompet Dhuafa , Rumah Zakat, Tabara, BPBD's Preventing Unit, volunteers and communities make the handling of the emergency together.
BPBDs Bandung Regency also build shelters in the flooded areas in cooperation with the Department of Social Welfare and the military in West Java province.