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Indonesia, Flooding and Landslide in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan (25 Aug 2021)




Floods and Landslides in Kab. Sanggau, Prov. West Kalimantan

Early Warning:
• Effective August 25, 2021 at 07.00 WIB to August 26, 2021 at 07.00, which has the potential for heavy rains for the impact of Floods/ Flashes to occur in West Kalimantan with Alert Status (

• BPBD Prov. West Kalimantan forwards the early warning information on the potential for rain to the Regency/City BPBD to be forwarded to relevant parties in the Regency/City and the community to be alert to the threat of hydrometeorological disasters.

Chronology :
• Rain with high intensity that occurred in the district. Sanggau, especially in the district. Entikong, causing several tributaries to overflow and flooding in several hamlets in the Ds. Entikong on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, Pkl. 18:00 WIB

Location :
Kab. Sanggau
• Kec. Entikong
• Ds. Entikong

• 34 affected households
• 5 families evacuate

Material Losses:
• 31 RR housing units (flood)
• 3 housing units RB (landslide)

Effort :
• BPBD Kab. Sanggau coordinates with the Village & District to carry out monitoring, data collection and evacuation of residents
• BPBD Kab. Sanggau has standby for 2 units of residents' evacuation equipment in the form of 2 boats and 20 pieces of buoys

Urgent needs :
• Temporary refuge
• Basic food needs (staple food, ready-to-eat food, supplementary food, drinking water and clean water)
• Boats and landslide cleaning equipment

Latest Condition:
• Conditions in the field are still raining and looking at the condition of the river it is estimated that the flood will expand and will cause new landslide points

Source :
BPBD Kab. Sanggau

Informed By:
Complaint Number / Call Center : 117 (Toll Free)
Instagram : pusdalops_bnpb
Twitter : @Bnpbpusdalops