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Indonesia - Flash floods (BMKG, BNPB, ADINet) (ECHO Daily Flash of 05 November 2021)

  • On 4 November, floods, flash floods and river overflow, triggered by heavy rainfall, affected the cities of Batu and Malang (East Java Province).

  • According to the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), six people died and three are missing in the Batu City area, following the flash floods. The ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre) is reporting 755 people displaced and 255 houses damaged following the overflow of the Brantas River in the Malang City area.

  • Search and rescue operations are ongoing, with six people already rescued in Batu.

  • Moderate rain and thunderstorms are forecast over East Java Province over the next 24 hours.