Summary of current response context
The transitional shelter intervention for the Lombok and Sulawesi operations was taken out of the overall operation upon the decision of PMI management based on internal discussions as well as the changing political contexts in the country.
Based on the PMI plans, the transitional shelters as well as the complementary latrines will be replaced by cash-based interventions – for Lombok, PMI will provide conditional and unrestricted cash grants; while for Sulawesi, PMI will provide unconditional and unrestricted cash grants.
Most of the immediate relief assistance has concluded (see below for summary of current responses). The operations in Lombok, Sulawesi, and Sunda Strait’s overall objectives and strategy have since shifted from immediate relief assistance to recovery of the affected people and increase their resilience to future disasters by providing appropriate medium-term and longer-term assistance in a timely, effective, and efficient manner. The recovery operation for Lombok is expected to be completed by June 2020, Central Sulawesi by February 2021 and Sunda Strait is expected to be completed by April 2020.
Based on the recommendations from the recovery assessment team (RAT), the current contexts in the field and the operational experience of PMI, the recovery operations will use the integrated community-based risk reduction (ICBRR) approach. The ICBRR approach follows integrated PMI approaches on shelter, livelihood, health, WASH and DRR, with DRR activities (training of district volunteers, establishment of community action teams, conduct of VCA) as the entry point – integrating activities for each community to amplify the impacts. The ICBRR be implemented through a strong community-driven approach, allowing participation of and decision-making by community members, with PMI and IFRC providing guidance and technical advice.
PMI will continue to lead the recovery operations in Lombok, Sulawesi and Sunda Strait supported by IFRC/PNS. PMI will also undertake interventions using resources it has or it will mobilize bilaterally from Movement and non-Movement sources. PMI volunteers remain the key actors to implement the activities in the communities. The operations are also opportunities for provincial and district teams to learn about various programmatic approaches such as cash-based interventions; community engagement and accountability; protection, gender and inclusion and will enable PMI branches to incorporate these elements in future programmes, and enable the provinces to support other PMI units across the country as necessary.
The recovery operations will be aligned to the Federation-wide operating framework which is based on four pillars and the PMI One Plan. The recovery phase is specifically aligned with the following pillars of the framework:
• Pillar 1 – Emergency phase (across all areas of focus)
• Pillar 2 - Recovery – multisectoral
• Pillar 3 - Community resilience
• Pillar 4 - Local actors’ capacity enhancement