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Indonesia: Earthquakes and Tsunami - Lombok - Emergency Plan of Action Operation MDRID013 Update n°9


Summary of current response

Overview of Host National Society

PMI has been on the ground from the onset of the disaster. At the national level, PMI NHQ PMI has mobilized more than 900 relief volunteers from outside Lombok, while the NTB Province PMI coordinated the placement of surge personnel to fill up the gap of local volunteers in the districts. The total number of PMI NTB staff/ volunteers involved in the operation were 354 with different competencies (Shelter, WASH, Relief, CTP Health, DM/DRR and Logistic) from 10 districts. The following infographic indicates the sectoral highlights on initial emergency relief phase and services provided by PMI through the support of the IFRC and the partner national societies as of 29 December 2018.

Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country

PMI works with the IFRC and ICRC as well as Partner National Societies in-country including the American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross and Japanese Red Cross. Several National Societies have offered bilateral support. Qatar Red Crescent and Hong Kong Red Cross are supporting the procurement and distribution of tarpaulins and shelter tool kits.
Turkish Red Crescent is supporting water and sanitation.

PMI works with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in the country. IFRC have a country cluster support team (CCST) for Indonesia and Timor Leste consisting of a head of office and technical capacities in disaster management, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, national society development (including PGI), communication, community engagement and accountability (CEA) and support services in finance, human resources and administration. Movement coordination meetings were conducted with partners. The CCST is set to provide financial support to enable the mobilization of personnel and supplies by PMI.

Field Coordinator, Emergency Response Unit (ERU) and Regional Disaster Response Teams (RDRTs) supporting the transition from emergency response to recovery have been mobilized and the team formation was reviewed according to the operation needs.

Inter-agency coordination

At the country level, IFRC participates in meetings of the humanitarian country team chaired by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) held both during disasters and non-emergency times. Together with MOSA, the national cluster lead, PMI and IFRC co-lead the shelter cluster.

The Information Management (IM) sub-cluster Shelter Lombok has been established on end of November 2018, consisting of one IM Officer and one IM assistant. The Social Service Office Province West Nusatenggara provides a place to work for the shelter sub-cluster team. The IM team has the role of gathering information regarding the development and implementation of Civil Society Organization (CSO) activities working in shelter and accommodated into 5W1 form. Team IM also standardizes 5W data sent by active CSOs. Based on information from the team IM subcluster, as of 4 January 2019, there were 69 CSOs including PMI, have sent the 5W form, update on 5W is ongoing. In addition, 6 shelter cluster meetings have been held at the initiative of the IM Team sub-cluster Lombok throughout November-December 2018, minutes meeting and other related information (in Bahasa) can be accessed through this link

Overview of non-RCRC actors in country

The humanitarian response in Lombok is coordinated by Indonesia’s National Management Authority (Badan National Penanggulangan Bencana, BNPB) and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in the emergency phase. They are coordinating the response and collating information on the earthquake’s impact.

In the recovery phase, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Work are coordinating the sub-clusters or working groups of Shelter, WASH, PGI and Cash Assistance. PMI is participating in the sub-cluster meetings for better coordination and shared information.