This report was issued by OCHA New York, with inputs from OCHA Indonesia. It covers the period from 9 October 2009 to 10 October 2009. The next report will be issued on or around 11 October 2009.
- National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) confirmed 807 deaths.
- 135,100 houses are severely damaged or have collapsed.
- Shelter is the priority concern, emergency shelter needed for 90,000 families.
- BNPB leads relief response, and is supported by 186 NGOs and 10 UN agencies in Padang.
II. Situation Overview
BNPB reported 807 deaths, following the earthquake on 30 September in West Sumatra Province. A further 241 people are missing, 891 are severely injured and 1,365 are slightly injured. The number of severely damaged houses increased to 135,100; moderately damaged houses to 62,772 and slightly damaged houses to 66,585. In addition, 1,386 classrooms; 168 roads; 241 offices; 16 bridges and 1,237 places of worship are also severely damaged.
Power supply has been fully restored in Padang and Pariaman cities. All fuel stations are also fully operational. The Department of Social Services has restored clean water in most of the affected areas. On 8 October, the Ministry of Health sprayed disinfectant in the city of Padang to prevent the spreading of waterborne communicable diseases.
The West Sumatra earthquake occurred less than a month after a powerful earthquake struck Tasikmalaya District, West Java on 2 September, killing 81 people, injuring 1,248 people and destroying 65,643 homes and public infrastructure.
The Government of Indonesia is leading response efforts in West Java and West Sumatra Provinces. Transitional shelter is the priority concern in both Provinces.
III. Humanitarian Needs and Response
According to BNPB, there is still a need for family tents, water pumps, spot lights, generators, blankets, water installations and psycho-social support for the affected population. Food relief and balanced distribution is still required in some remote affected areas.
National Response
On 9 October, BNPB and government authorities used seven helicopters and 30 trucks to distribute relief supplies in Agam and Pariaman districts. BNPB reported that the stock of relief items for the next distribution is limited, and that the distribution process of supplies to affected districts needs to be evaluated. BNPB also highlighted the need to distribute tents immediately.
The Indonesian National Gas Company, Perussahaam Gas Nergare Tbk, donated IDR 250,000,000 (US$ 26,000) worth of food items and clothing for children and adults.
The local Department of Social Welfare has deployed 628 workers to support the social needs of the affected population. The department also provided tents and trucks.
The Government of Indonesia announced a policy that each victim of the earthquake will receive IDR 5000 (50 cents) per day. The Government has also indicated that the emergency response phase will conclude on 31 October but will be extended if necessary. However, the extension will not exceed two months.
International Response
United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC)/Search and Rescue (SAR)
The UNDAC team continues to provide surge capacity support to OCHA and assists BNPB in cluster coordination, information management and preparation of assessment reports. MapAction continues to provide support with mapping.
On 9 October, the Russian SAR and Turkish GEA Search and Rescue Team departed. Since 5 October, the GEA SAR team supported humanitarian operations in the rural areas north of Padang city and the areas between the cities of Padang and Bukit Tinggi. The team conducted assessments in 33 villages and the data was presented to Padang city officials. Thirty-two tents were constructed in 28 villages for 800 people and eight tents were constructed in Batang Tapakis to support the recovery of Batang Tapakis Elementary School. The school is expected to open on 12 October. The GEA SAR team distributed stationary supplies (notebooks and pencils) for 200 elementary students and cloth-packs to 3,000 people in different villages. Military assistance from eight countries continues; six teams are supporting the cleaning of debris while two teams are providing logistics support.
Local rescue teams are still working in three areas: Malalak, Tandikek and Padang.
The Indonesia government wants to move to the recovery phase as soon as possible. Recovery of houses and public buildings, including hospitals, schools and government buildings are the priority.
International/National NGO Assistance
Habitat for Humanity is supporting a shelter intervention based on the "core house" design implemented in the Yogyakarta earthquake project. Habitat will implement a community-based disaster response plan where village leaders and residents are mobilized to help construct new homes based on the principle of gotong royong (community self help).
The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Authority dispatched a plane-load of relief items including medicines, tents and shelter materials. A medical team at the Emarati field hospital in Pariaman city continue to provide medical treatment to injured people.
International Governmental Assistance
The international delegations that are still working in Padang are: Malaysia, France and the US. The
Malaysian and French teams have changed their focus from rescue to humanitarian assistance. The US team came in as a humanitarian delegation. Ten New Zealand engineers will support UNDP in assessing the safety of damaged buildings, advising what buildings should be demolished and put in place a demolition plan.
Taufik Kiemas, the Head of General Assembly of Indonesia conveyed his gratitude to international institutions that are involved in relief response in West Sumatra.
IV. Coordination
The Government of Indonesia has requested that the distribution of relief supplies in remote areas is communicated to the local military so as to ensure that distribution is based on needs.
BNPB has conveyed that all assistance being provided by international organizations need to be coordinated through OCHA. OCHA is supporting BNPB with the overall coordination, along with the line ministries and departments of Indonesia and the provincial government. It is requested that OCHA, through BNPB, keep track of all international efforts and report at the Government led coordination meetings.
The Government has also requested information from the international community on the number of shelters that have already been provided, or are in the pipeline, to assess remaining needs.
Operational cluster overview:
Shelter: Shelter materials were delivered to Agam and Pariaman by trucks and helicopters. The Government authorities reported the delivery of 239 platoon tents for 1,440 families, 423 group tents, 724 family tents, and approximately 30,000 rolled tents (tarps and plastic sheeting). It is estimated that these materials will cover 33,800 families. There is still an estimated shortage of emergency shelter for 90,000 families.
Food and Nutrition: Food shortage reported in some areas due to damaged roads; helicopters are being used to deliver food in these cases. BNPB reported that there is a need for 8.025 tons of hulled rice to address the food needs of 133,739 households for one month.
Health: The sub-clusters for mental health, nutrition and immunization were activated on 9 October. Medical supplies and equipment in hospitals are reported as sufficient.
Education: Education and child protection were divided into separate clusters as of 9 October. The education cluster has started mapping of all damaged educational institutions.
Logistics: Helicopters are distributing relief items to remote areas where road access is blocked. IOM distributed tents, food and generators in coordination with BNPB to Agam and Pariaman. BNPB has reported a shortage of generators.
WASH: The WASH cluster conducted microbiology and chemical tests for water in Padang city, Agam and Pariaman districts on 10 October. The cluster has established an action map with all WASH related locations.
Early Recovery: On 10 October, the local government met with all organizations dealing with early recovery to ensure better coordination. A humanitarian recovery team will conduct an assessment; the results of which will inform a recovery response plan.
VI. Contacts
BNPB is the contact point for transporting goods from Jakarta to West Sumatra.
Halim Airport: Mr. Yolak 0813 8811 7181
Tanjung Priok seaport: Mr. Suwignyo 0816 1165 980 (takes two to three days
to reach Padang seaport)
INGOs and other humanitarian actors who have difficulty in transporting relief assistance can contact them, but they will prioritize goods to be delivered based on the urgency of needs.
OCHA Indonesia
Jakarta: Ignacio Leon-Garcia Head of Office
Mr. Nova Ratnanto Office operations Padang: +62 811 860 1565
Mr. Sudi Prayitno Liaison Officer +62 852 6302 7284
Mr. Craig Williams
Information Management Officer
Mindaraga Rahardja
Government and NGO/INGO Liaison Jakarta: +62 811 825 207
Laksmita Noviera
Humanitarian Affairs/Communication Officer, +62 811 840
UNDAC Team Leader: Sjaak Seen +31 6 53 95 6001
Gisli Olafsson +354 8406909 (IM and OSOCC Mgmt)
Grigory Korolkov +6281993376111, +7903 6607378 (RDC)
Kobi Peleg +972526667611 (Reporting)
OSOCC General Phone No: +62 87881987240
General email for UNDAC:
OCHA Headquarters
New York: Ms. Aditee Maskey, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA New York, Telephone: +1 212 963 5131, Mobile: +1 805 696 5781
New York: Ms. Stephanie Bunker, Spokesperson/PIU Manager, OCHA New York Email:, Telephone: +1 917 367 5126, Mobile: +1 917 892 1679
Geneva: Ms. Elisabeth Byrs, Spokesperson/Information Officer, OCHA Geneva Email:, Telephone: +41 22 917 2653, Mobile: +41 79 473 4570
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit