Ref: OCHA/GVA - 2006/0237
OCHA Situation Report No. 28
Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces
This report is based on information received from the UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator's Office in Jakarta and the UN team in Yogyakarta.
Update on cold lava and hot cloud flows at Mt. Merapi
Strong rainfalls triggered cold lava and hot cloud flows at Mt. Merapi on 20 November, which reached 3km from the top towards Gendol and Adem rivers in Kaliadem sub-village, Cangkringan sub-district in Sleman.
137 households in Kaliadem were evacuated to higher locations, but later returned and currently there are no evacuees.
No urgent needs and/or assistance has been requested. However, there is a need to support the rehabilitation / construction of water pipes and water reservoirs, and restoration of livestock on a longer term perspective.
The direction and scale of lava flows are often unpredictable, thus the need to monitor the situation carefully and continue warning people to stay away from the mountain and the rivers toward the upcoming rainy season.
Early Recovery:
Shelter and Reconstruction Cluster
The cluster has constructed over 30,000 roof structures and additionally plans to deliver over 57,000.
IOM and CHF are finalizing the funding process from the multi-donor "Java Reconstruction Fund" to meet the gap in shelter needs. AusAID plans to include funds for safety net tarpaulins and longer-term shelter assistance into their programme.
Construction work in both Yogyakarta and Central Java Provinces has progressed as a result of the startup distribution of the government assistance money. The cluster is aiming to ensure the quality of newly constructed houses by advocating the importance of earthquake resistance structures. UNDP, Gadja Madah University (UGM) and OCHA have jointly developed fliers on the government assistance policy, the construction and the earthquake resistance guidelines to avoid confusion and widely disseminate the information.
Yogyakarta Province
As of 20 November, approximately 80% of community groups that had submitted required documents (Memorandum of Understanding between Head of Villages and community groups, and verification of bank account) have received initial allocation of funds from the Yogyakarta Provincial Government.
The Province has continued validating data of damaged houses. The updated data indicates that there are 140,000 destroyed or heavily damaged houses (206,000 before the validation).
Central Java
The Central Java Provincial Government is conducting the data validation of affected households. As of 14 November, it is reported that 113,000 houses (original figure was 99,700) were destroyed or were heavily damaged.
The Central Java Provincial Government had launched the disbursement of housing funds on 7 November, and as of 14 November, 409 affected households had received the construction fund.
Livelihoods Cluster
The livelihood cluster is focusing on 1) development of key economic sub-sectors, 2) strengthened livelihoods for the most vulnerable, and 3) support for the construction sector.
The cluster has provided support through grants, loans, technical assistance and market access to over 6,700 households and nearly 50 factories. Currently, an additional 13,323 households and 1,161 facctories are receiving support.
The USD 10 million currently allocated for livelihoods assistance from the government and the cluster only covers 2% of the total needs estimated by BAPPENAS. The cluster continues to seek additional support from donors, particularly from the Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF).
The cluster will continue with its coordinating role over the coming months.
A total 135,399 patients have visited public health centers and hospitals after the earthquake and up to end of August. Respiratory infections, trauma and diarrhea have been the most common diseases. Most cases were reported in Bantul (42%), Klaten (22%), Yogyakarta City (19%) and Sleman (17%).
Working closely with the Shelter and Water & Sanitation clusters, the health cluster is currently mapping incidences of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) and water-borne diseases to support vulnerability targeting for the rainy season. Similarly, health partners are identifying families with disabled persons to be prioritized for shelter assistance
Reconstruction of essential health facilities damaged by the earthquake is an ongoing concern of the cluster, considering the limited partner involvement and funding to address structural damage to more than 180 public health clinics.
WHO has provided supplies and personnel protective equipment for health care waste management for 117 puskesmas in Yogyakarta and 34 puskesmas in Klaten district.
Water and Sanitation (Watsan):
UNICEF has already handed over coordination to District governments but continues to provide secretariat and other support.
To date, 12,904 wells (129% of the original cluster target) and 7,768 household latrines (52%) have been repaired or constructed. In support of the government's efforts to address the large-scale gap between the ERP target and the actual needs as identified in an AusAID assessment, some organizations plan to extend their programmes of well-cleaning and latrine rehabilitation/construction beyond November.
1,410 NGO workers and volunteers (31% of the target) have been trained on hygiene promotion. The campaign covered 145 schools (24% of the target) and the message reached out to more than 268,000 people. Additionally, over 150,000 hygiene kits were distributed (100% of the target).
The cluster phased down and its coordination role has been taken over by relevant government authorities, with UNICEF technical support.
To date, 237 children safe spaces and 28 mobile teams for psychosocial outreach and registration of vulnerable children were set up. 911 vulnerable children have been registered by the Department of Social Affairs (DepSos) and the Provincial Department of Social Welfare (DinSos).
A child protection assessment was completed in October, and forms now the basis for planning longer-term activities. A key focus will be capacity building efforts to strengthen monitoring and response to child protection at the community level, within the social welfare system and with relevant authorities.
UNICEF Child Protection is working closely with relevant authorities and Working Groups to identify vulnerable households for prioritization in ongoing shelter and livelihoods relief efforts. Priority groups include female and child headed households, households caring for additional children, families with children with disability, and extremely poor households.
The cluster was closed, and ongoing needs will continue to be coordinated by the local governments with support from UNICEF.
To date, 829 temporary leaning spaces (130% of the target) including tents and temporary schools were provided by the cluster. This number includes 89 temporary schools constructed by UNICEF and its implementing partners (AAI, AMURT, ASB, CARDI, Relief International and Save the Children-UK). UNICEF and its implementing partners are completing 163 temporary schools by the end of November and plan to build an additional 50 temporary schools.
FAO, with the Provincial Office of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is developing a joint strategy for the rehabilitation of farming aspects of peoples' livelihoods in the earthquake affected areas. This strategy is based on damage and rapid livelihoods assessments data from the earthquake affected areas, along with government data.
FAO and the Agriculture Sector Group (ASG) members, in close coordination with the District Agriculture Offices of Bantul and Klaten, are introducing revolving systems to facilitate paddy production for the next season. Overall, farmer groups in Batul agreed to repay 50% of the total input value, which will be directed for use by their members for the next planting season. In Klaten, however, there is yet no agreement to adopt the revolving system among farmers.
OCHA facilitated a workshop on 14 November regarding Monsoon Season Contingency Planning for Yogyakarta and Central Java provinces. The workshop aimed to build coherent collaboration in addressing potential risks to the earthquake affected population during the coming rainy season. Government officials, NGOs and UN agencies attended the workshop. Due to huge damage and impacts by the earthquake, there are increased risks for vulnerable people during the rainy reason. A contingency plan toward the rainy season will be developed by participant organizations based on the discussions held at the workshop.
On 20 November, an official hand-over ceremony in Yogyakarta was organised in presence of donors, IFRC, UN agencies and the Government to conclude the transition to the recovery phase and instate the new coordination arrangement under the UNDP Shelter and Construction Cluster Coordinator.
The UN Coordination Center currently located in Gamping, Yogyakarta province, will be closed by the end of November. As of December, the Office of the UN RC/HC in Jakarta and UNDP will support recovery coordination structures. The UNDP Shelter and Construction Cluster Coordinator will continue to operate from the BAPPENAS office in Yogyakarta.
UNICEF will maintain a small unit in Yogyakarta BAPPEDA Office to follow up programmes with governmental and non-governmental partners until mid 2007. UNICEF office in Semerang will continue to provide support to Klaten. WHO will have a small team in the Yogyakarta Public Health Office after November to follow up ongoing programmes implemented by partners, including Yogyakarta and Central Java provinces, and UGM. UNDP will move to a new office after November to continue Early Recovery Assistance (ERA) activities and to support shelter construction and livelihoods coordination. FAO established presence within the Yogyakarta Agriculture Office since October and will continue with its programmes until the end of December.
This will be the last regular situation report issued on Central Java and Yogyakarta Earthquake operation.
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Desk Officer:
Mr. Guido Galli, Direct Tel. +41-22-917
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Press contact:
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- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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