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Indonesia: Dow Chemical donates $700,000 for tsunami house

Michigan, Indonesia-Relief -- The Habitat for Humanity International today announced a $700,000 commitment from The Dow Chemical Company. The contribution will provide for the building of 150 homes and two technical centers in tsunami-impacted areas of Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia.

The grant, said HFI in a press release, is part of a three-phase $5-million relief plan Dow has undertaken in response to the tsunami, said Sarah Opperman, Dow vice president. ''Having employees, customers and community presences in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and India, we acutely experience the magnitude of their loss and pledge to provide solutions to improve their living conditions, both in the immediate future and long term sustainability.''

''The Dow grant is a critical step forward for us as we continue to move to help people so tragically impacted by the tsunami, and others so in need throughout the world,'' said Paul Leonard, Habitat for Humanity International chief executive officer.

The Dow Chemical Company Foundation made its first financial pledge -- of $1 million -- more than 20 years ago to Habitat for Humanity affiliates to use to build homes. To date, Dow's financial contributions have totaled more than $10 million, earning Dow the honor of becoming a Lifetime Cornerstone Society member of Habitat in the year 2000.

This year, Dow is an event-wide sponsor of the 22nd annual Jimmy Carter Work Project, which brings the former president and his wife, Rosalynn, together with thousands of volunteers across Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada, to build 230 homes for families in need. =A9 dil