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Indonesia: Annual report 2007



With half a century of existence and extensive worldwide operational experience, IOM has become the leading Intergovernmental Organization working with migrants and governments to provide human responses to migration challenges. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all.

IOM established its first operations in Indonesia in 1979, managing a temporary processing centre for Vietnamese boat people in Riau Province during the 1980's.

In 1999, following the mass displacement and humanitarian crisis triggered by east timor's vote for independence, the Organization established a massive sea, land and air bridge to assist some 150,000 east timorese to return home.

the operation cemented IOM's relations with the government of Indonesia (goI) and led to the establishment of an office in Jakarta and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2000.

In the intervening years, IOM Indonesia has grown exponentially and is one of IOM's largest missions worldwide with a 2007 operating budget of USD 107 million. the mission comprises 24 offices throughout the archipelago and has a staff of 4932 (total staff reached 1,022 during the peak month of May 2007).

the excellent working relationship between IOM and the government enabled the Organization to provide immediate large scale emergency response, recovery and reconstruction assistance, following the succession of natural disasters that struck Aceh (2004), nias (2005), Yogyakarta (2006) and Padang (2007.)

IOM's global mission values of supporting the efforts of government institutions to assist migrants and post-conflict populations wove themselves through operations across the nation, further linking programmes and expertise together.

The mission has brought relief to tens of thousands of tsunami and earthquake survivors through logistics support, restoration of livelihoods, construction of shelters, clinics and community centres, and also post-disaster physical and mental health services.

In 2007 IOM, with its partners, continued to respond to migration health challenges in Indonesia in the fields of maternal and child health for internally displaced populations; psychosocial and mental health for post-conflict affected communities; emergency medical response for victims of natural disasters; migration health assessments for migrants and refugees; and health services for irregular migrants and victims of trafficking.

IOM's global experience in post-conflict environments led the Indonesian government and international donors to entrust the Organization to assist and support the government in the reintegration of 3,044 former combatants and 1,911 amnestied prisoners into mainstream Acehnese society, following the 2005 helsinki Peace Accords. IOM further delivered tangible peace dividends to the benefit of 580 conflict affected communities in Aceh, in the form of quick impact projects.

The government also turned to IOM in its efforts to combat human trafficking. Over the past three years the mission has provided specialist training for law enforcement officials, lawyers and judges, including the Justices of the Indonesian Supreme Court. IOM have also created medical recovery centres in selected police hospitals for trafficking victims.

Helping government manage migrationrelated issues is one of IOM's core missions. IOM assists the goI's efforts to regulate the movement of irregular migrants through Indonesia and its shores by providing extensive support services to stranded migrants.

The Organization is also working with the Indonesian government to support the reform of the Indonesian national Police (InP). It has already trained almost 100,000 policemen and women in community policing and human rights, through this 6-year programme, which was launched in 2004.

The mission of IOM Indonesia stems from its partnerships with national and local government, non-governmental agencies, grass-roots community organizations and the donor community.

In 2007 IOM programmes continued to address the outstanding needs of vulnerable and mobile populations throughout the archipelago. new programmes and projects under development will continue to do so in the years to come.