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In Brief
Appeal No. 01.64/04; Programme Update No. 2; Period covered: April to June 2004; Appeal coverage: 113%; Outstanding needs: While the appeal is well covered, the high number of earmarked funds has left shortfalls in other programmes, particularly health. The delegation is currently in discussion with donors on this matter and an appeal revision will be undertaken to account for the extra funds and the resulting increase in activities. However, it is anticipated that further funds will be required for the health programme.
Appeal target: CHF 1,458,813 (USD 1,140,483 or EUR 946,140)
Related Emergency or Annual Appeals: Annual Appeal (01.64/04), Floods Appeal (02.04)
Programme summary
The second quarter saw a number of serious natural disasters. More than 24,000 people, affected by floods, landslides, volcanic eruption and health emergency in five provinces, benefited directly from the Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia/PMI) emergency response activities during this period. This can be seen as a direct result of the ongoing capacity-building programme In June, an eruption of Mt. Awu in North Sulawesi caused temporary evacuation of nearly 30,000 people. Two people died and five were injured when Mt. Bromo in East Java, a popular tourist destination, erupted in June. Forest fires and peat burns by small farmers caused smoke and haze, affecting large parts of the Sumatra island, in particular the Riau province, and also caused health concerns in neighbouring Malaysia. PMI has been active in supporting people affected by these disasters. PMI continued its response to the outbreak of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) during this quarter. Support has been given to 14 PMI chapters in provinces where the outbreak reached epidemic levels. All chapters received operation funds to conduct community-based mitigation and prevention activities from the AusAID fund. Other major activities during the quarter included the commencement of a series of comprehensive chapter/branch/community assessments, leading from discussions during the ongoing strategic planning process (2005-2009), involving all levels. The first of seven planned assessments took place in East Nusa Tenggara. Work continued on the development of the Strategic Plan 2005-2009 and the revision of PMI's statutes. Both are to be formally adopted by the national assembly in December. The Cooperation Agreements Strategy (CAS) for Indonesia was finalised during the quarter and all partners operating in Indonesia signed the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding on May 8, during a ceremony at the national headquarters.
Operational Developments
Frequent bombings and other acts of terrorism and the risk of unrest in connection with the parliamentary and presidential elections in 2004, aggravated concerns about the security situation in the country, although the elections have so far been without incident. The economic situation remains worrying with Indonesia's growth and exports still lagging behind most of the region. Trade surplus has decreased during the first half of the year. While private consumption has increased, a weakening rupiah (which hit a 26-month low of 9,450 to the dollar in June) and growing inflation are seen as a serious threat to the consumption-driven economic growth. Foreign investment, which took a sharp downturn following the Asian economic crisis in 1997-1998, continues to drop and stifle sustainable growth and employment. A number of opinion polls published during the parliamentary and presidential election campaigns shows that the growing inflation, chronic unemployment and rampant corruption continue to top most voters' list of worries.
The second quarter saw continued social and political unrest in a number of Indonesian provinces, mainly caused by conflicts over independence/autonomy and compounded by the ongoing economic crisis. The secessionist conflicts in Aceh and Papua have now gone on since the 1980s; frequent violent clashes between different religious and ethnic groups in Kalimantan, Maluku and North Maluku and in Central Sulawesi have created serious problems and hardship. In the troubled province of Aceh, the Indonesian government has extended martial law and a settlement is not in sight.
Most of the 626,946 people who remained displaced throughout the country in mid-2004 have lost their productive assets as a direct consequence of conflict or in exchange for food, and will require humanitarian and recovery assistance during 2004.
The PMI has played an important role in bringing food and other assistance to the most vulnerable in these unsettled regions; given the current outlook, this involvement may increase. Responding to the continued high level of unrest, the Federation has steadily increased its cooperation and coordination with the ICRC's delegation in the country.
The development of a new 5-year strategic plan, to be adopted towards the end of the year, has continued during the quarter, as has work on the revision of PMI's statutes. The strategic plan and the revised statutes are to be presented to the national assembly ('Munas') in December.
The draft strategic plan has identified the four following strategic goals for 2005-2009:
Organisational Development
Disaster Management
Health and Care
PMI has the structures, systems, skills and capacities to deliver quality services to the most vulnerable throughout Indonesia. | PMI has the capacity and resources to provide timely and effective assistance to vulnerable people affected by disasters and conflict. | PMI has the capacity to provide quality health and social services to vulnerable communities. | PMI has the capacity to communicate effectively with its members and the public and provide quality communications support to the organisation's capacity building and service delivery. |
The Federation's position in Indonesia has continued to develop, with the role of the delegation as facilitator becoming increasingly important as new partners and donors commence their cooperation with PMI. National societies' bilateral programmes (Netherlands, Australian, Singapore and Danish Red Cross societies) are making significant progress.
Health and Care
During the quarter, the PMI trained the newly recruited health programme staff at the national, chapter and branch levels by sending staff for study visits to other chapters and branches as well as specific training. The health and social welfare division was strengthened with two new staff. Refurnishing and reorganisation of the office was co-funded by the Federation and Netherlands Red Cross.
Baseline survey for the possible expansion of the Federation-funded community-based first aid (CBFA) and water and sanitation (watsan) with participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST) programmes was conducted in Atambua, West Timor, to meet the needs of vulnerable rural communities outside Java. The community survey was conducted as part of the organisational development and disaster management programmes' comprehensive and integrated assessment of PMI chapters and branches and their communities.
The ongoing CBFA/watsan project in Banten province, West Java, has almost completed with water facilities in place. Latrine construction and piping will be completed by the communities themselves in the next quarter. The PMI is implementing approximately ten other CBFA/watsan projects, funded by the Netherlands and Singapore Red Cross societies.
The implementation phase of the HIV/AIDS pilot project in Medan, North Sumatra, where prevalence keeps rising, had commenced in April. Major achievements include the recruitment and the appointment of competent staff responsible for the projects. In June a 'socialisation' workshop was held to inform major relevant stakeholders on PMI's HIV/AIDS project and plan in Medan.
Funded by AusAID through the Federation, and bilaterally through Singapore Red Cross, PMI continued its response to the outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) during this quarter. Five and a half MT of abate1 have been distributed to 14 PMI chapters in provinces where the outbreak has reached epidemic levels. All chapters received operation funds to conduct community-based mitigation and prevention activities from the AusAID fund.
The health division organised several preparation meetings for a joint review study of safe blood and voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) with PMI's National Blood Centre, the Netherlands Red Cross (the main bilateral donor for the study) and the Federation.
Funded by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the first training for volunteers to provide basic psychological support for people affected by disasters, particularly children, was conducted. A review team concluded after a visit to North Sumatra in June that similar services provided by PMI volunteers should be available in other disaster prone and conflict areas. The Federation plans to support PMI in disseminating the 'lessons learned' materials to other chapters and branches as well as in follow-up activities.
Overall goal
The health status of the most vulnerable is improved in targeted areas.
Programme objective
PMI's health and care capacity is enhanced through the increased involvement of communities in preventative and information health programmes.
Expected results
The programme is based on six key projects that will have the following overall results:
1. Increased capacity of PMI health and social service division to coordinate, manage and monitor health activities of chapters and branches, as well as working with external donors.
2. Enhanced training in first aid and home care for instructors at national level.
3. Targeted communities are empowered to address their own challenges in hygiene, sanitation and first aid.
4. Increased knowledge, improved behaviour and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS among targeted sections of the community and PMI members.
5. The number of non-remunerated volunteer blood donors is increased to equal or exceed one per cent of the low-risk population.
6. Mechanisms and structures are put in place to respond effectively and cope with emergency health situations in targeted sections of the community, especially with regard to psychological support.
Community-based first aid/water and sanitation (CBFA/watsan) - Gelam village, Banten province, West Java, beneficiaries = 165 families:
- Construction of water facilities finalised. Planned activities of village health volunteers continued. 47 latrines constructed (30% of total); the rest to be constructed by villagers themselves.
- Quarterly monitoring visit took place with national office technical staff and Serang branch staff.
- Based on the outcome of a community meeting, all households decided to have latrines in their own houses. The project subsidised one closet, one bag of cement, one pipe and small materials for latrine for each house. Local households will contribute the rest.
- Well and water reservoir unit constructed and connected to some houses with pipes. The community agreed internally on how to maintain the facilities. More piping construction is still needed.
- 2,500 copies of water and sanitation information, education and communication (IEC) materials developed and printed in Bahasa Indonesia following the PHAST materials/guidelines.
- The PMI Serang branch office equipped with basic office facilities such as a computer, scanner, printer and digital camera to report on and monitor the project.
- Village volunteers continued community health activities in cooperation with village midwives. The community agreed to refill the first aid kits themselves.
Baseline survey for a new project
Assessment made to Kereana Village, Atambua in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) as possible site of starting up the next CBFA/watsan project as part of PMI's comprehensive and integrated assessment. The potential number of beneficiaries: 250 -- 500 families.
HIV/AIDS (Pilot Project in Medan, North Sumatra)
- A programme manager and a programme manager assistant were placed at the chapter. Three programme officers appointed in three targeted branches. A transparent and fair selection process took place. A Federation health delegate formed part of the interview panel.
- Job descriptions, roles and responsibilities of newly hired and appointed staff clarified to all internal stakeholders (board members and chapter and branch staff).
- The newly recruited programme manager, accompanied by a chapter board member, visited the West Kalimantan chapter HIV/AIDS programme to study operational procedures and experiences.
- Socialisation workshop for stakeholders in the HIV/AIDS programme. Participants included local government officials, provincial AIDS commission and NGOs working in the area of HIV/AIDS in North Sumatra.
- Financial management and reporting structure discussed and agreed between the Federation, PMI national office, chapter and branches.
- A programme implementation team established in the chapter.
- The chapter and three branches equipped with necessary vehicles (one motorbike each) to implement the programme.
- A detailed plan of action for July activities was developed by branches, compiled by the chapter and sent to the national office.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) (click here to view a photograph on this activity)
- Implementation team formed at chapter and branches.
- Guidelines printed and sent out by the national office to 35 branches in epidemic areas.
- The Red Cross Youth (RCY) in these areas carried out activities through schools: cleaning up school environments as well as surrounding areas to prevent mosquito breeding and disseminating awareness messages.
- The RCY and PMI staff and volunteers continued sampling survey in targeted areas examining mosquito larvae in open water containers.
- Five and a half MT of abate were distributed to 14 PMI chapters in provinces where the outbreak had reached epidemic le vels. One and a half MT of abate were financed by AusAID and distributed to communities through the chapters in Banten (200 kg), South and East Kalimantan (300 kg), South Sulawesi (100 kg), Riau (200 kg) and Lampung (200 kg). 400 kg sit as emergency stock at the national office. The Singapore Red Cross contributed the remaining four MT. Operational support (for PMI branches and volunteer activities at the ground level) for all 14 chapters was possible through AusAID funding.
- Banners for communities and uniforms for PMI volunteers produced and distributed.
Safe Blood
- As part of strengthening links between the provision of safe blood, voluntary blood donor recruitment and the HIV/AIDS programme, the plans and Terms of Reference for a Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Review Study were developed in coordination with PMI's National Bank Centre and Netherlands Red Cross.
Psychological Support
- Completed the translation of the rapid review study conducted by a professional volunteer team for the psychosocial support programme for displaced flood victims in Bahorok, North Sumatra. Funded by OCHA, the trauma counselling training successfully took place during this quarter. The Federation plans to support similar initiatives in disaster prone and non-conflict areas and follow-up activities such as publication and dissemination of lessons learned from North Sumatra.
- The recruitment of social welfare programme managers with psychology and/or counselling background is still ongoing.
In all Federation funded programmes during this quarter, PMI:
- continued to build community capacity in Serang through the capacity-building process of Serang branch;
- reached out to schools and communities with information on prevention of dengue epidemic s and potential epidemic areas;
- distributed 5.5 MT of abate to 14 provinces where the dengue outbreak had reached epidemic levels;
- further strengthened the capacity of PMI as an organisation at all levels, particularly at the implementing branch level, and increased the positive image of PMI in the community through its community-based dengue response activities.
- Sharp increases in demand for abate made domestic procurement difficult and costly. This delayed the start of operation. With these lessons learned, a certain proportion is kept in stock at the national office.
- In the CBFA/watsan project in Serang, 70% of families have not been able to fund their part of household latrines due to a recent wedding in the village (such events tend to be expensive not only for the families directly involved). The starting of the next CBFA/watsan project in West Timor was delayed following a decision by PMI's national office that no new project would take place until after a comprehensive integrated chapter/branch/community assessment in the project area. While the health division had already done a partial assessment in its target area, a decision on the next steps has yet to be made.
- Throughout its DHF response project, PMI has strengthened its cooperative relationship with the Ministry of Health, especially in Java.
- Two Japanese Red Cross Society representatives visited PMI to discuss cooperation in the first aid programme in relation to JRCS's bilateral support to Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL).
- A joint VCT review study planned with the Netherlands Red Cross (bilateral partner).
- Through Federation coordination, PMI continued its support to the national society in East Timor by sending volunteer first aid trainers.
For further information specifically related to this operation please contact:
Aswi Nugroho, Head of Communications and International Relations; Indonesian Red Cross Society; Phone/fax : +62 21 799 23 25/799 51 88
Ole Johan Hauge, Head of Delegation; Phone/fax +62 21 791 91 841/791 80 905, email:
Charles Evans, Southeast Asia desk; Phone/fax +41 22 730 4320/733 03 95; email:
This Programme Update reflects activities to be implemented over a one-year period. This forms part of, and is based on, longer-term, multi-year planning. All International Federation assistance seeks to adhere to the Code of Conduct and is committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable. For support to or for further information concerning Federation programmes or operations in this or other countries, or for a full description of the national society profile, please access the Federation's website at
Note: 1 Common name is 'Temephos': an organic phosphorus insecticide of slight toxicity, which is used largely as a mosquito larvicide. Toxicity of the compound is inherently low with insignificant risk posed to mammals.
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