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Indonesia Annual Appeal No. 01.64/2004 Programme Update No. 1


The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilising the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organisation and its millions of volunteers are active in over 181 countries. For more information:
In Brief

Appeal No. 01.64/04; Programme Update no. 1, Period covered: January to April 2004; Appeal coverage: 36.4%; See attached contributions list for details.

(click here to go directly to the attached Contributions List - also available on the website).

Appeal target: CHF 1,458.813

Related Emergency or Annual Appeals: Annual Appeal (01.64/04), Floods Appeal (02.04)

Programme summary: Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable in Indonesia continues to present a challenge for the Indonesian Red Cross - Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) - and the Federation. Indonesia suffered a number of disasters during the reporting period. Following devastating floods in Jambi, North Sumatra, where 25,000 people were forced to leave their homes, the Federation successfully launched an emergency appeal in early January. The appeal was 170% funded, which has enabled further support to the affected area. At the start of February, an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale struck a remote area in West Papua. The Federation and PMI were able to raise sufficient funds locally and internationally to provide support to the affected population.

The other major activity during the quarter was the commencement of the strategic planning process (2005-2009), involving all levels. The new strategic plan is to be formally adopted by the National Assembly towards the end of the year.

The Cooperation Agreement Strategy (CAS) for Indonesia was finalised during the quarter and all partners operating in Indonesia have now signed the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Also signed during the quarter was an agreement between PMI's Movement partners on payments and modalities for allowances related to training workshops, seminars and field work.

The delegation is receiving strong international support for its 2004 Appeal.

This Programme Update reflects activities to be implemented over a one-year period. This forms part of, and is based on, longer-term, multi-year planning. All International Federation assistance seeks to adhere to the Code of Conduct and is committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable. For support to or for further information concerning Federation programmes or operations in this or other countries, or for a full description of the national society profile, please access the Federation's website at

Operational developments

During the first quarter of 2004 there have been continuing social and political unrest in a number of Indonesian provinces, mainly caused by conflicts over independence/autonomy, and compounded by the ongoing economic crisis. The secessionist conflicts in Aceh and Papua began in the 1980s; frequent violent clashes between different religious and ethnic groups in Kalimantan, Maluku and North Maluku and in Central Sulawesi have created serious problems and hardship. In the troubled province of Aceh, the Indonesian government has extended the martial law, and a settlement is not in sight.

The PMI has played an important role in bringing food and other assistance to the most vulnerable in these unsettled regions; given the current outlook, this involvement may increase. Responding to the continued high level of unrest, the Federation has steadily increased its cooperation and coordination with the ICRC's delegation in the country.

To prepare for the new five-year strategic plan, to be adopted later this year, four strategic planning workshops were held in March, one for each sector: health and care, disaster management, communications and organisational development, including finance, administration and volunteers. Revision of PMI's statutes is ongoing. A working group has been given the task of carrying the work forward. The revised statutes are to be presented to the National Assembly ('Munas') by the end of 2004.

The Federation position in Indonesia has continued to develop, mainly in a coordination/facilitation capacity, as new partners and donors commence their cooperation with PMI. In January all partners supporting PMI signed an agreement on payment modalities for workshops, seminars, meetings and field trips. The bilateral programmes (Netherlands, Australian, Singapore and Danish Red Cross societies) are progressing well.

The first draft of the CAS was developed in late 2003, with all stakeholders in the country taking part in the process. Specific focus has been on continuing to strengthen PMI's management capacity at all levels in the organisation, and on formulating strategies for chapter and branch development in disaster-prone areas. During the reporting period all partners operating in Indonesia signed the MoU attached to the CAS.

The first quarter saw a number of serious natural disasters, including floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic activity and cyclones. PMI responded to 16 different natural events (including four floods, five earthquakes, a volcanic eruption, one chemical explosion, two cyclones and three flash floods/landslides) in a total of 14 provinces. Approximate 60,000 people directly benefited from PMI's emergency response activities supported by the International Federation and other donors.

An emergency appeal was launched at the start of the year, after heavy floods hits Jambi, North Sumatra, where 25,000 people had to be evacuated. The appeal was very well funded, and PMI's performance during the operation was widely acclaimed by authorities and others.

Health & Care

Major achievements were made during this quarter, particularly in terms of strengthening and consolidating the managerial and organisational structure of PMI's Health and Social Welfare Division as well as its programmes. Key board members, staff and volunteers from the national office, the National Blood Centre, the PMI's Bogor Hospital, chapters and branches took part in the health sector's strategic planning workshop in March. Federation, PNS and ICRC health delegates also took part and facilitated various sessions. The workshop's main output was a draft strategic plan for the health sector (2005-2009). This will not only set the strategic direction of the PMI health and social welfare programmes but also facilitate a more effective programme implementation process which has been relatively weak compared to other major PMI programmes. It will also serve as the principal guide for the Federation's support over the next four years.

Simultaneously, the delegation was able to support the PMI Health and Social Welfare Divisio n in setting up its new structure in order to facilitate realization of the strategic plan. A comprehensive selection process and interviews for new health staff have taken place with participation of the health delegate in the selection panel. Three new core posts were advertised: 1) HIV/AIDS Programme Manager; 2) First Aid, Ambulance and Health in Emergency Programme Manager; and 3) Assistant to the Community Base First Aid/Water and Sanitation Programme. The two first positions are to be supported by the Federation, the third by the Netherlands Red Cross bilateral programme. Salary support for all positions is to decrease incrementally over three years. As reported previously, the recruitment of new staff and the restructuring of the Division is essential to ensure effective and efficient programme implementation to meet the increasing health needs of the community, particularly outside Java, as well as to increase donor interest in PMI Health & Care programmes.

Early this year, PMI also responded to the worst outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in recent Indonesian history. Up to end February, 260 deaths had been reported, with 24 provinces reporting cases, half of them epidemic levels. With emergency funding from AusAID (through the Federation), PMI initiated prevention and awareness-building activities utilizing its network of volunteers in high schools. Funded by the government, PMI is providing blood and thrombosis components free to the DHF patients. The epidemic is not expected to subside until July; PMI plans to continue its work in this area over the coming months.

In the area of emergency health, staff from health and DM undertook a joint assessment mission to a flood-affected area in Jambi, North Sumatra, where needs for psycho-social support among the displaced (especially orphaned children) were identified. Plans are now underway to train volunteers to provide basic psychological support to the disaster victims; it is envisaged that this initiative could be the basis of PMI's future psycho-social support programme.

PMI continued to support its s ister society in Timor Leste by seconding volunteer First Aid trainers and HIV/AIDS Youth Peer Education trainers, facilitated by the delegation.

Plans are being developed to expand the Federation-funded community-based first aid (CBFA) and participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST) programmes to Atambua, West Sumatra, in order to meet the needs of vulnerable rural communities outside Java.

Overall goal

The health status of the most vulnerable is improved in targeted areas.

Programme objective

PMI's health and care capacity is enhanced through the increased involvement of communities in preventative and information health programmes.

Expected Results

The programme is based on six key projects that will have the following overall results:

1. Increased capacity of PMI's health and social services division to coordinate, manage and monitor health activities of chapters and branches, as well as to work with external donors.

2. Enhanced training in first aid and home care for instructors at national level.

3. Targeted communities are empowered to address their own challenges in hygiene, sanitation and first aid.

4. Increased knowledge, improved behaviours and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS among targeted sections of the community and PMI members.

5. The number of non-remunerated volunteer blood donors is increased to equal or exceed one per cent of the low-risk population.

6. Mechanisms and structures are put in place to respond effectively and cope with emergency health situations in targeted sections of the community, especially in psychological support.



Inhabitants of Gelam village, Banten province (Serang branch), have identified the type of water supply facility to be constructed (as part of PHAST process). Geological survey conducted with local government (120 meters depth). Construction for water reservoir 70% completed.

Community agreed to self-fund pipes to connect the water from the main source to homes.

Community decided to construct a latrine for each house with the materials cost to be shared between programme and villagers.

First draft proposal of CBFA/PHAST programme in Atambua, West Sumatra, developed by the Atambua branch and sent to the national office.

Appointment of a new CBFA programme assistant to work with CBFA manager under new divisional structure (funded by Netherlands Red Cross - interview jointly conducted).

First Aid and Health in Emergency

Position for the first aid programme manager (also to be responsible for ambulance services and emergency health) opened and short-listed candidates interviewed. Selection in final stage.


Socialisation of HIV/AIDS programme in Medan chapter conducted by PMI national office staff; Federation delegate visited board members and key staffs of chapter and branches

Position for the HIV/AIDS programme manager in Medan chapter opened, candidates short-listed.

Appointment of a HIV/AIDS programme manager under the new division's structure (current staff member with extensive knowledge and experience in HIV/AIDS programme re-appointed as the programme manager)

Evaluation of the Australian Red Cross-supported HIV/AIDS hotline counselling conducted, providing input for future expansion to other branches.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)

Distribution of guidelines to Red Cross Youth Trainers in schools on how to clean up the environment and prevent dengue through chapters and branches in target areas.

Red Cross Youth members in targeted areas started activities to clean up school and housing environment once a week according to the guidelines.

Printing of IEC materials on dengue.

PMI demonstrated its community-based health activities in disease prevention to wider audience.


Need to strengthen links between provision of safe blood, voluntary blood donor recruitment and HIV/AIDS programme reconfirmed during the strategic planning workshop.

Psychological Support

Joint assessment conducted between DM and health staff to identify psycho-social support needs for displaced flood victims in Bahorok, North Sumatra.

Second mission to Bohorok, led by an Indonesian psychologist (PMI volunteer), to develop curriculum for the first training for the volunteers in Medan to conduct basic trauma counselling for flood victims (especially orphaned children). Funding provided by OCHA and Federation to enable pilot project to be developed into a future programme.

Decision made to advertise a Social Welfare Programme manager's post (as the former manager has now moved to the HIV/AIDS post). Candidate to have background in psychology or counselling.


During this quarter, throughout the Federation-funded programmes PMI:

Developed draft 5-year strategic plan for the health and social welfare which is to be main guide for chapters and branches in providing health services to vulnerable communities.

Continued to build community capacity in Serang through the capacity-building process in Serang branch.

Reached out to schools and communit ies in dengue-affected areas with information on prevention activities.


To overcome human resource constraints in PMI's health and care division, active measures were taken to restructure the division and hire new staff. While identifying qualified candidates has not been difficult, PMI's salary range is a deterrent for the best qualified. Securing long-term funds to recruit and retain qualified staff remains a challenge and calls for a comprehensive resource development strategy. The recruitment system at the national office still needs improvement; chapters do not appear to have a formal system or guidelines to follow.

The general election in April caused delays in the implementation of several programmes.


Working relationship with bilateral partners continues to strengthen, not least with Australian Red Cross in HIV/AIDS and Netherlands and Singapore Red Cross in CBFA. The Federation's health delegate has taken part in discussions with the HIV/AIDS Hotline Counseling Evaluator and exchanged ideas on possible expansion of the programme. The delegate also met with representatives of Singapore Red Cross (including the Secretary General) who visited Bengkulu, South Sumatra, for a ceremony during the hand-over of SRCS-funded projects to the community. SRCS plans to continue its bilateral CBFA support with special focus on Sumatra. Support was given to the Netherlands Red Cross health delegate (based in Jakarta) in selecting a new CBFA programme assistant.

Informal meetings were held with external organisations such as MSF and AusAID which expressed interest in collaborating and providing funding support to PMI health activities, notably in HIV/AIDS and Safe Blood. Along with PMI's heads of health and DM divisions, the delegate also visited the Japanese Embassy in Jakarta to explore funding possibilities.

Disaster Management

The reporting period saw a very complex situation in Indonesia in terms of emergencies, creating a major challenge for PMI to respond effectively in a timely manner. In addition to the ongoing conflict response in Aceh, PMI responded 16 different natural events (four floods, five earthquakes, a volcanic eruption, one chemical explosion, two cyclones and three flash floods/landslides) during the reporting period. Supported by the Federation and other donors, PMI was able to provide assistance to approximately 60,000 people in fourteen disaster-affected provinces.

Overall goal

PMI is able to meet its obligations under Indonesian law and assure timely and effective assistance to victims of disasters and conflicts.

Programme objective

PMI develops disaster preparedness levels consistent with the capacity to provide timely and effective assistance to victims of disasters and conflicts, and also enhance community-based preparedness.

Expected Results

The programme is based on three key projects that will have the following overall results:

1. PMI's disaster management capacity is expanded to manage the national disaster management programme, with limited external support.

2. PMI's capacity for timely and effective disaster response is strengthened by 2005.

3. PMI has developed a well-functioning early warning/disaster information system (in at least 15 high-risk provincial chapters) and is playing an active role within the local, regional and global disaster management network by 2005.


More than 25,000 people were displaced by severe floods in the provinces of Jambi, Palembang, Riau and South Sulawesi following weeks of torrential rain at the end of December 2003. After an immediate assessment the Federation, on behalf of the PMI, successfully launched an international appeal in early January to address the emergency needs of the flood victims (with Jambi as the main focus area, but also in Palembang, Riau and South Sulawesi). At the end of two month project period, 20,842 people (4,332 families) in three of the worst affected districts in Jambi had access to potable water and had been provided with household/hygiene kits and temporary shelter. In Riau more than 1,000 families received emergency medicine and medical service. 100 of the most vulnerable families in South Sulawesi were provided with emergency food rations (rice and instant noodles), with a further 1,000 families supplied with required medicines and medical care. In addition, 1,000 of the most vulnerable families in Palembang were provided with household and hygiene materials.

The excellent response to the appeal enabled PMI to procure emergency non-food items (household/hygiene kits and tarpaulin for 3,100 families/15,500 people; water purification tablets with a 5-year shelf life for 50,000 families/250,000 people). Further procurement to replenish contingency stock is underway.

An earthquake measuring 6.1 on Richter scale rocked the popular tourist destination islands of Bali and Lombok on Friday 2 January. In Bali, the quake damaged 410 homes, 91 schools, 29 government buildings, 69 places of worship, seven irrigation facilities and one bridge. An assessment showed that the worst affected areas on Lombok Island were West and East Lombok districts, as well as the capital city of Mataram, where at least 708 houses were heavily damaged, 1,180 were slightly damaged and 23 people were injured. There were at least 280 displaced families in Lombok. In both places, 449 of the most vulnerable families were given assistance by PMI in the forms of emergency food, temporary shelter, household and hygiene items. The Bali element of the operation was also supported by the Australian Red Cross and AusAID.

Following an explosion at petrochemical plant near Surabaya in East Java in January, Satgana volunteers from East Java assisted over 50 people providing first aid, evacuation and emergency ambulance services.

After a landslide triggered by a flash flood in Central Java, more than 100 people received emergency food, medical care and clothing immediately following the disaster. A mobile emergency unit , along with the Central Java Satgana team, was engaged for three days to support emergency operation and conducting assessments.

A flash flood hit Lampung, South Sumatra, in January, inundating 506 houses and 12.5 hectares of rice paddies, and causing damage to community service facilities. Follow ing an assessment, Satgana volunteers from Lampung provided all flood-affected families with family hygiene kits.

PMI disaster response January-March, 2004, (supported by Federation, AusAID, USAID, UN-OCHA, Red Cross
societies in Australia, Denmark, Japan, Monaco, Norway, Spain and Sweden, Freeport Mining PT and local businesses)
Affected provinces/ type of disaster
Number of beneficiaries
Type of assistance
Jambi - flood
4,332 families
Assessment, family kits (household & hygiene items), temporary shelter (tarpaulins), safe water
Riau - flood
1,000 families
Assessment, medical care and medicine
South Sulawesi - flood
1,100 families
Assessment, medical care and medicine; rice & other instant food
Palembang - flood
1,000 families
Assessment, family kits (household & hygiene items)
Bali & Lombok - earthquake
449 families
Assessment, evacuation, emergency food, family kits (household & hygiene items), temporary shelter.
East Java - cyclone/flash flood
20 families
Assessment, household items and school kits.
East Java - Petrochemical Plant explosion
50 people
First aid, evacuation, assessment and emergency ambulance service.
Central Java - flash flood/landslide
100 people
Assessment, emergency food, clothing, medical care.
Lampung - flash flood
506 families
Assessment, hygiene kits.
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) - Volcanic activity
Assessment, monitoring.
North Jakarta - fire
120 families
Evacuation, assessment, emergency food, clothing.
North Sumatra - flash flood/mudslide
350 families
Assessment, evacuation, household items, medical care.
Papua - earthquake
2,000 families
Assessment, blood service, medicine, family kits, temporary shelter (tarpaulins, mosquito nets), safe water.
Bali - landslides/tsunami
154 families
Assessment, emergency food, tarpaulins, clothing and hygiene items.
West and South Kalimantan - flood
1,000 families
Assessment, emergency food, family kits (household & hygiene items).
West Sumatra - earthquake
250 families
Evacuation, assessment, family kits (household & hygiene items), temporary shelter (tarpaulins, mosquito nets).
West Java - flood
300 families
Assessment, emergency food, health care.
South Sulawesi - landslide
50 families
Search & rescue, first aid, evacuation and assessment.

More than 300 families (flash flood and mudslide in Bohorok, North Sumatra, December 2003) were given assistance in the form of household items and medical care by PMI's North Sumatra chapter in January, supported by UN OCHA. Medical support continued in February, along with planning for a psychological support programme during the rehabilitation phase.

A series of earthquakes (measuring up to 6.9 on the Richter scale ) and their aftershocks wreaked havoc in remote Papua province in February. The quakes killed eight people and injured 65, destroyed hundreds of houses, damaged the district airport, hospital, schools and public buildings and facilities. PMI assisted more than 2,000 families with temporary shelter, household and hygiene materials , as well as providing blood, medicine and water. The Satgana team from the neighboring Sorong branch, along with the national response team (Team Khusus) was engaged for more than two weeks in this operation. Following the emergency phase, PMI/Federation conducted an assessment of the situation in cooperation with USAID and AusAID.

The Mt Egon volcano in East Nusa Tenggara was closely monitored for two weeks in February, until the government lifted the emergency level.

The Bali chapter assisted 154 families affected by landslides and a (minor) tsunami triggered by a cyclone in February. Victims were provided with emergency food, plastic sheeting, clothing and hygiene items. The Bali Satgana team with their mobile emergency unit was engaged for a week-long operation distributing relief items and monitoring the situation, supported by the Australian Red Cross and AusAID.

Floods in South and West Kalimantan in February left thousands of people in dire straits. One thousand of the most vulnerable families were assisted by the local PMI chapters, supported by the Federation, distributing emergency food, household and hygiene items.

More than 200 families were rendered emergency assistance in February, with support from the Danish Red Cross and International Federation, following an earthquake (measuring 5.6 on Richter) in West Sumatra province. The Satgana team helped with evacuation, assessment and the provision of temporary shelter and distribution of household and hygiene items.

Over 300 families were assisted by PMI in West Java during floods in February. A 24-hour emergency health post and a field kitchen were operated for a week.

27 Satgana volunteers took part in a search and rescue, first aid, evacuation and assessment operation immediately following a landslide in South Sulawesi in March, assisting over 200 people .

In March, a 5-year draft DM strategy was formulated as part of the overall strategic planning process. The draft is being consolidated with other sectoral plans to form PMI's Strategic Plan 2005-2009.

The strategic planning workshop was followed by a meeting of PMI's DM national Working Committee meeting, which has an advisory role in programming and implementation.


More than 60,000 people, affected by 16 natural and chemical disasters in fourteen provinces, benefited directly from PMI's emergency response activities during the quarter. This can be seen as a direct result of PMI's DM capacity-building programme in 2003. Some 50 high-risk (disaster and conflict-prone) district branches have been equipped and trained, with each of these now having the capacity to provide comprehensive emergency services to at least 1,000 families. All told, PMI now has the capacity to support up to 250,000 beneficiaries across the country at the same time.

Distribution of relief item has gone well, benefiting from the newly installed standardized logistics system. Improved reporting between chapters and the national office, allowing for better management of services and resources required for emergency relief.

The PMI network's ability to respond quickly during disaster and conflict situations is increasingly appreciated by local authorities and other stakeholders, evident by minutes of various national coordination meetings and situation reports (notably UN OCHA's coordination meeting minutes and situation reports and WFP's monthly food coordination meeting minutes).

Significant contribution by PMI's national response team (Team KHUSUS) recorded throughout the reporting period. Again it shows value of investment in the 2003 capacity-building programme with regard to early warning, assessment, information sharing, coordination, planning, response, reporting and follow-up/monitoring.

The draft DM strategy, developed during the reporting period, is expected to provide a structural approach to activity plan formulation over the next five years.


The lack of adequate human resources in PMI's DM division is still an outstanding issue. Current staff are stretched to the limit. Recruitment of an additional qualified response officer is proving difficult, given PMI's low salary scale. Discussions with management on a realistic compromise ongoing.


Overall, emergency response activities were well coordinated and supported by a number of donors, such as AusAID, USAID, the PNSs (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Netherlands, Australians, British Red Cross societies via the Federation), the Freeport Mining Company and other commercial institutions. Excellent coordination and cooperation between the DM division at the national office, provincial chapters and district branches, and with national, provincial and district level government counterparts in terms of information sharing, rapid assessment and disaster response, development of action plans and further follow-up/monitoring activities. Also good coordination and cooperation with various other organisations (UN, international agencies, NGOs) with respect to information sharing, conducting joint assessments and facilitation of other stakeholders' emergency response operations.

Organisational Development


The Federation's multifaceted OD support to PMI focuses on governance, management, IT and financial development, and human resource capacity building. These programmes are implemented at the national office and in a number of chapters and branches (totalling 30 and 354 respectively), particularly in disaster-prone areas and those 'hosting' PNS sponsored programmes such as CBFA and CBDP.

During the first quarter the OD programme has facilitated and financed the still ongoing development of the PMI's Strategic Plan 2005-2009, continued the revision of the statues, initiated plans for a comprehensive resource development project, provided support and assistance to IT and finance development initiatives and advised on governance issues in the national office, chapters and branches. Considerable technical support is continually provided to the national office's Organisational Division.

In 2004 the OD programme will continue to capitalise on the base established in the past 2-3 years.

Overall goal

The PMI has become a well-functioning society, able to mobilize support and carry out its humanitarian mission, addressing the needs of the most vulnerable in Indonesia.

Programme objective

Through strategic guidance and technical assistance PMI has improved its governance and management skills and capacities at national office, chapter and branch level.

Expected results

The programme is based on four key projects that will have the following overall results:

Governance and management development

Revised statutes, strategic plan and standardized planning procedures in place; PMI's public profile and accountability enhanced.

Chapter and branch development

Enhanced human resource maintenance and fundraising capability with improved communications between national office & chapters.

Volunteer development

Cadre of selected key volunteers available nationally.

Management support and training

PMI has better motivated and focused staff able to carry forward development at all levels.


Governance and management development

Four strategic planning workshops were held in March, one for each sector: health and care, disaster management, communications and organisational development, including finance, administration and volunteers. The outcome of the workshops (which were wholly facilitated and run by PMI staff with Federation support) are draft strategic plans which after consolidation will form the PMI's Strategic Plan 2005-2009, to be discussed and adopted at the National Assembly (Munas) at the end of this year.

Preparing for the strategic planning workshops the delegation engaged the Indonesian office of APCO consultants to conduct a 'perception audit' among stakeholders and a wide segment of PMI staff and officers. The audit showed that while PMI enjoys a good reputation in Indonesia, stakeholders see lack of transparency, accountability and communications as areas where the society needs to make significant inroads. A survey undertaken by the PMI's Research and Development Division among chapter and branch staff highlighted similar issues and concerns. The surveys proved to be highly useful for the planning process and have given valuable guidance in the ongoing work.

Revision of PMI's statutes is ongoing. The 17-member working group has not been notably effective and a smaller group is about to be given the task of carrying the work forward. The revised statutes are to be presented to the 'Munas' by the end of 2004.

While a new financial system has been installed in the national office, the output is still not satisfactory. A draft finance development plan is currently being discussed and developed with support from the delegation, aiming for a uniform financial monitoring and evaluation system to be in place in all 30 chapters by the end of 2006.

Ongoing support is provided to PMI's communications division and advocacy for increased awareness of communications and a 'communications culture' in the organisation.

Chapter and branch development

Sessions on statute revision, governance, organisational development, capacity-building, communications and related issues held during branch assemblies. Orientation sessions for new branch and chapter boards and staff prepared and planned.

Resource development plans are being drafted in cooperation between the relevant national office divisions, i.e. OD, communications, finance and training. The tentative plan is to visit all chapters during 2004 to raise awareness of the importance of resource development in branches and chapters, followed by targeted training and other support in 2005.

Volunteer development

Discussions held on a possible revision of PMI's complex and largely uncoordinated volunteer system. While PMI has nearly one million volunteers, there is little cooperation with or support from the national office, apart from the effective 'Satgana' disaster response teams. The strategic planning process has shown that there is urgent need to review the whole volunteer system and its structure.

Management support and training

The OD programme is providing financial and technical support to an initiative to set firm training standards for all sectors. This process has been ongoing for well over a year now; a national working meeting to finalise the various curricula is planned for end of April.

Considerable effort and time has gone into coordination of work plans in the national office to avoid duplication of efforts and cla sh of sectoral schedules. Two staff from the OD Division will be taking part in a regional training workshop in Thailand in April and a national PPP workshop is scheduled for later this year to further establish PPP as the main planning tool in the society.

Regular coordination meetings are held with PMI divisions, Federation, PNSs and ICRC.


The strategic planning process has been encouraging and motivational for the large number of staff and volunteers who have been involved in the process. Nearly all chapters and a number of branches were enthusiastically represented in the sectoral workshops and left with a sense of ownership of the process and the outcome. The use of accepted planning tools and methodologies during this process has improved the society's planning capacities and skills.


The overall capacity of PMI's national staff is stretched. Lack of a 'planning culture' and following up on decisions and initiatives often translates into last-minute rush and less than perfect performance.

Lack of leadership - and even participation - from the national board.


Gradually, there is increased cooperation between sectors in the national office and a growing awareness of the need for improved cooperation and coordination. There continues to be good and productive cooperation with the ICRC and the Danish and Netherlands Red Cross Societies.

For further information specifically related to this operation please contact:

Aswi Nugroho, Head of Communications & International Relations; Phone/fax +62-21-799-2325/799-5188

Ole Johan Hauge, Head of Delegation, Phone/fax +62-21-7919-1841/7918-0905, email:

Charles Evans, SE Asia desk; Phone/fax + 41-22-730-4320/733-0395, email:

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