Banda Aceh, Indonesia-Relief - Information and Communication Office of Aceh Provice has distributed 110 television sets, complete with its satellite dish, and sound system to refugee barracks. It hopes the television sets could become source of information regarding the Aceh reconstruction progress for the refugees.
According to Infocom Office statement, they have also start distribution of free newspaper and tabloid for people in the refugee barracks. The distribution print media has been started in mid-April.
The Infocom Office also said that currently there are 1,629 refugee barracks in 126 locations in various districts of Aceh. The barracks has been built in two phases. During first phase, which already finished, 854 barracks has been completed and have accommodated 56,600 refugees. The second phase, 775 out of 804 barracks (96%) has been completed and has accommodated 42,880 people.
Several parties have constructed the barracks. Stated owned companies has built about 807 barracks, local contractors 797 barracks, NGOs 54 barracks.
Based on information from Aceh Province Satkorlak (disaster management agency), the distribution of first phase of monthly basic allowance has been completed. About Rp 39,4 billion ($4.1 million) has been transferred to the district head account and has reached the refugees. For the second phase, Rp 41.6 billion ($4.4 million) transferred to the district head bank account and is being distributed to the refugees.