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Indonesia: Up to 30,000 flood victims in Karawang still evacuated

At least 30,000 victims of major flooding caused by overflow of Citarum River in Karawang, West Java, had still lived in various evacuation centers as of Friday as thousands of houses were still inundated.

The largest number of evacuees was registered in Telukjambe Timur district were 11,957 people were accommodated in safer places, followed by Pakisjaya with 4,593 evacuees and Karawang Barat with 4,038.

Head of Karawang Social Service Office Banuara Nadeak said that the evacuees were scattered in various locations not far away from the flood points and many of them, especially in Pakisjaya, were evacuated on the street side.

Most of them were temporarily accommodated in mosques, village offices, schools and other government facilities, he said.

"In a number of locations, public kitchens have been built, especially in Telukjambe and Karawang Barat," Banuara said as quoted by the Antara news agency.

Karawang administration's data shows that about 16,000 houses in 10 districts had been submerged due to the overflow from the Citarum River over the last few days.

Banuara said that his office had handed over 35,887 kilograms of rice, 1,635 boxes of instant noodle and 60 boxes of mineral water as well as others to the flood victims.