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Heavy Rain killed 8 people and flooded 1,785 houses in Ambon, Indonesia

Continuous rain in the last few days have caused flood at dawn (around 04:00 am local time) on the first day of August.

Three people are reported missing while 599 people displaced, as reported by Sutopo Purwo Nugroho of BNPB (National Disaster Management Agency).

As of 18:00pm local time, areas of Nusaniwe, Sirimau, Teluk Ambon, Baguala, and Leitimur still flooded while landslide occurred in several places.

Immediate needs include meals ready to eat, sandbags, mattress, clothes, blankets, and cooking kits.

Communities near the hills and river-banks are asked to be alert of potential landslides.

HOPE worldwide runs a computer training program in Ambon. Our team in Ambon is assessing the situation as we continue to monitor the flood and finding ways to support those in needs.

For further information or questions, please contact:

Charles Ham , Global Disaster Response Coordinator , HOPE worldwide
1285 Drummers Lane, Suite 105 | Wayne, PA 19087 USA
Email: - Bringing hope. Changing lives.
Or - Willy Gosal, Disaster Response Manager, HOPE worldwide Indonesia
Gedung Putera Lt 7, JL Gunung Sahari 39, Jakarta, Indonesia 10720
Email: or cellphone: 081311392503
Telp: 62-21-600-9091, Fax: 62-21-601-0570