The President of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo arrived in Pidie Jaya on Friday, 9 December via helicopter. He visited the hospital, the mosque in the district and the refugee camps. He instructed the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia (BNPB), the related ministries and local government to provide technical assistance and support during the emergency response and recovery operations.
A Command post has been activated lead by the Vice Regent of Pidie Jaya. A media center has also been established at the command center.
As of 06:00 am today, the BNPB reported that the death toll is 101 people, mostly from Pidie Jaya District. A total of 139 individuals were severely injured and 718 sustained minor injuries. The earthquake’s impact on infrastructure resulted to 2,992 houses being heavily damaged, and 65 shop-houses, 64 mosques, 1 school and 1 hospital having damages of varying degrees.
The Indonesian Government has declared that the response operations to the disaster is within the nation’s capacity.
Urgent needs identified remain to be food and clothing, medical equipment, medicines and medical services (orthopaedic specialists, medical doctors, paramedics), medical tents, portable toilets, shelter, and heavy equipment.
Four AHA Centre Staff is in the area in coordination with BNPB. In addition, four ASEAN-ERAT members have been mobilised to participate in the response operations, integrating with the Government assessment teams.
In solidarity and spirit of One ASEAN One Response, the relief items from the Disaster Emergency Logistic System of ASEAN (DELSA) stockpile, in-line with the identified needs and accepted by the BNPB, is set to tentatively arrive today.
A 6.5 M Earthquake shook Sigli City, Aceh Province, Indonesia at 05:03 (UTC +7) with a shallow depth of 10 km. No Tsunami warning was issued. The earthquake was felt strongly in Pidie, Pidie Jaya and the surrounding districts. Based on the National Statistics Bureau (BP), the total population in Pidie District is around 425,974 while in Pidie Jaya District, it is 151,472. Based on the record of the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), the area had been affected by earthquakes in the recent past. In October 2013, a 5.6 M earthquake shook Pidie District.
As of 06:00 am, the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia of BNPB reported that the death toll is 101, with most of the casualties coming from Pidie Jaya District. A total of 139 people were severely injured and 718 sustained minor injuries. The earthquake’s impact on infrastructure resulted to some 2,992 houses being heavily damaged, and 65 shop-house, 64 mosques, 1 school and 1 hospital incurring damages of varying degrees.