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Form 2 - Situation Update No. 1: Aceh Pidie Jaya Earthquake, Thursday, 8 December 2016 13:30 hrs (UTC+7)



  • The Government of Indonesia through the BNPB is coordinating the response efforts involving at least 1,300 personnel on the ground. The National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) is leading the search, rescue and retrieval operations with support from police and military personnel.

  • As of 06:00 am today, the National Disaster Management Authority of Indonesia of BNPB reported that the death toll has reached 102 people mostly from Pidie Jaya District. In addition, 136 people were reportedly severely injured and 616 sustained minor injuries. The earthquake’s impact on infrastructure resulted to damages to some 161 houses (heavily damaged), 105 shop-houses, 14 mosques, 1 school and one hospital collapsed.

  • On 7 December, the Government of Aceh Province has issued a provincial level state of calamity applied for 14 days until 20 December 2016. The BNPB through its spokesperson, Mr. Sutopo Nugroho, mentioned that there is no request for international assistance at this stage

  • The immediate needs are food and water, medical equipment, medicine medical services (orthopedics and paramedics), shelter, water sanitation & hygiene (WASH), and heavy equipment to support the rescue and retrieval operations.

  • One AHA Centre Staff is already in Aceh for further coordination with BNPB. In addition, four ASEAN-ERAT members have been mobilised to provide support in assessment, coordination and logistics.