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Floods Emergency Situation Report in DKI Jakarta Province #5, 22 January 2013




The Center for Health Crisis of Ministry of Health (CHC/MOH) reported the flood situation in DKI Jakarta Province, as following:

  1. On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 04.00 Western Indonesia Time (UTC+7), the flood has started to occur in DKI Jakarta Province. Up to 22 January 2013, the flood has affected 40 villages in 13 subdistricts in 3 administrative cities with water level 25 to 100 cm height. The affected areas, as following:

A. North Jakarta Administrative City - 5 villages in 2 sub-districts were affected by the flood
B. West Jakarta Administrative City - 18 villages in 3 sub-districts were affected by the flood
C. South Jakarta Administrative City - 17 villages in 8 sub-districts were affected by flood

On 22 January 2013 at 16.00 Western Indonesian Time (UTC+7), The CHC/MoH reported 23 persons died, 18 people were affected by serious illness, 26.426 people were treated for minor illness, 29.809 people were displaced, 1 hospital and 11 community health centres were inundated.

The MOH’s Health Post has provided medical services to 1.911 patientsin 4 health posts in Kapuk (342 patients), Bukit Duri (117 patients), Kalibata (106 patients), and Rawa Buaya (1,346 patients);
The MOH conducted several actionsin coordination and collaborating with the Health Referral Effort Management Directorate (BUKR), CHC/MOH, Maternal Health Directorate (BKI) Pharmacy Service Directorate (Bina Yanfar), Environmental Health Technology Main Station (BBTKL), and The Disease Control and Environmental Health DG (P2PL/CDC);

The DKI Jakarta PHO responded to the situation by providing health supports through health services and supplies, also improving its health facilities;

The MOH, DKI Jakarta PHO, P2PL, and CHC/MOH are monitoring the situation closely;
In order to anticipate wider flood affected areas, the MOH is planning to conduct several activities, including:

  • Mobilize mental health team;

  • Further coordination between CHC, DKI Jakarta PHO, and NGOs for health sector intervention;

  • Strengthening surveillance for early detection in emergency response post of DKI Jakarta PHO;

  • improving health promotion

  • Optimize the role of surveillance, sanitarian and health promotion personnel in the IDPs site;

  • Coordinate with the immunization program to avoid outbreak;

  • Planning and logistic procurement for emergency sanitation, in which the quantity of the items will be adjust based on the needs at DHO, PHO and Regional levels, such as BBTKL and KKP

  • Regularly mobilize 3 mobile health teams to provide medical services in the IDPs locations in Pluit North Jakarta, Muara Baru, Tambora, and Kapuk Muara West Jakarta.