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Floods Emergency Situation Report in DKI Jakarta Province #4, 21 January 2013




  • The Center for Health Crisis of Ministry of Health (CHC/MOH) reported the flood situation in DKI Jakarta Province, as following:
  1. On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 04.00 Western Indonesia Time (UTC+7), the flood has started to occur in DKI Jakarta Province. Up to 21 January 2013, the flood has affected 48 villages in 15 sub-districts in 4 administrative cities with water level 25 to 250 cm height, which is decreased compare to the situation on 19 January 2013 that affected 135 villages in 35 sub-districts. The affected areas, as following:

A. North Jakarta Administrative City

  • 5 villages in 2 sub-districts were affected by the flood
    B. West Jakarta Administrative City

  • 18 villages in 3 sub-districts were affected by the flood
    C. South Jakarta Administrative City

  • 17 villages in 8 sub-districts were affected by flood
    D. Central Jakarta Administrative City

  • On 21 January 2013 at 16.00 Western Indonesian Time (UTC+7), The CHC/MoH reported 21 persons died, 24 people were affected by serious illness (3 people that were treated in Tarakan, Puri Mandiri, and Pelni Hospitals have returned home), 26.426 people were treated for minor illness, 45.344 people were displaced, and 13 community health centres were inundated.

  • The MOH’s Health Post provided medical services to 1.546 patients in Kapuk (283 patients), Bukit Duri (100 patients), Kalibata (84 patients), and Rawa Buaya (1,079 patients);