SITREP # 1: 21 August 2012 at 15.00 PM local time (UCT+7)
On Friday, 17 August 2012 at 22.00 Western Indonesia Time (UCT+7), a flash flood hit Naga Timbul and Sepakat Villages in South East Aceh District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province
Per 18 August 2012, 16.00 Western Indonesian Time (UCT+7), The Centre for Health Crisis (CHC) Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 2 persons died, 17 persons with minor injuries, 4 persons were missing, 800 persons were displaced, and 3 villages were isolated (Naga Timbul, Sepakat, and Suka Damai Villages) and difficult to access
The South East Aceh DHO evacuated the victims and provided medical services
The South East Aceh DHO, NAD PHO, and CHC/MOH are monitoring the situation closely.