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Flood in South East Aceh District, NAD Province on 17 August 2012


SITREP # 1: 21 August 2012 at 15.00 PM local time (UCT+7)


  • On Friday, 17 August 2012 at 22.00 Western Indonesia Time (UCT+7), a flash flood hit Naga Timbul and Sepakat Villages in South East Aceh District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province

  • Per 18 August 2012, 16.00 Western Indonesian Time (UCT+7), The Centre for Health Crisis (CHC) Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 2 persons died, 17 persons with minor injuries, 4 persons were missing, 800 persons were displaced, and 3 villages were isolated (Naga Timbul, Sepakat, and Suka Damai Villages) and difficult to access

  • The South East Aceh DHO evacuated the victims and provided medical services

  • The South East Aceh DHO, NAD PHO, and CHC/MOH are monitoring the situation closely.