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DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and World Bank officially start flood mitigation project

Jakarta, 30 January 2012 – The DKI Jakarta provincial government and the World Bank today announced the official launch of the Jakarta Urgent Mitigation Flood Project, also known as the Jakarta Urgent Dredging Initiative, which will help improve the operation and maintenance of Jakarta’s flood management system.

Specifically the project will rehabilitate sections of a number of major waterways in the city. About 67.5 km of 11 key channel sections and 65 hectares of four retention basins will be dredged to help restore their operating capacities. About 42 km of embankments will also be repaired and where necessary, mechanical equipment such as pumps and gates will be replaced or repaired. Approximately 3.4 million cubic meters of sediment and 95,000 cubic meters of solid waste are expected to be dredged out of the waterways and basins.

Studies on Jakarta’s recurrent flood problem show that restoring the city’s waterways and basins back to its original design capacity is the most beneficial step in flood mitigation. Rehabilitation of waterways under the project will augment efforts already made by the Jakarta Government in reducing flood risks such as erecting sea walls and completion of the east flood canal.

Involuntary resettlement is expected at six out of the 15 project sites. Any unavoidable involuntary resettlement will adhere to a Resettlement Policy Framework prepared by the DKI Jakarta provincial government which is consistent with international best practices. People displaced by the project will be given access to adequate housing as stipulated by regulations.

“With the availability of funds, we now have progress to rehabilitate the Jakarta’s waterways. The various stakeholders involved in Jakarta’s flood management system must now start work to expedite implementation of the project,” said Jakarta Governor, Fauzi Bowo.

Funding for the five year project was approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors on 17 January 2012. The project will be financed by a loan worth US$139.64 million, while the Indonesian central government and DKI Jakarta provincial government will contribute an additional US$49.71 million.

“Now that the funds are secured, the World Bank is looking forward to take the next step in supporting the Jakarta Government to mitigate flood risks in the Indonesia capital,” said Stefan Koeberle, World Bank Country Director for Indonesia. He added, “The project will help improve Jakarta’s flood management system, in line with international standards for environmental and social safety.”

In addition to rehabilitating waterways, as part of the project the World Bank will also assist in providing technical assistance for project management, social safeguards and capacity building.