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CWS updated Indonesia appeal: Conflict-affected people

Appeal Number: 6925
Appeal Amount: $401,492
Situation Report

(Note: this appeal updates a multi-year appeal issued in April 2001 for funding ending in 2004. This appeal update seeks $401,492 to attain full funding support of the original $1,437,000 appeal goal.)

After five years of often-vicious communal violence, a hopeful trend towards peace is emerging in Indonesia, enhanced by the Indonesian government's increased willingness to promote peace and contain sporadic eruptions of violence. To strengthen this movement towards peace, CWS is prioritizing durable and sustainable solutions for rebuilding economic livelihoods, social well-being, health, local infrastructure and addressing the trauma suffered by conflict-affected populations.


As a result of the economic, political, and social upheaval caused by the financial crisis of 1997-98 and the subsequent resignation of the long-time Indonesia ruler Suharto, Indonesia has experienced a dramatic increase in inter-religious and inter-ethnic violence. Major conflicts have broken out in many areas since 1998 and over 1.3 million people have been displaced. A much larger number of people, while avoiding displacement, have been seriously affected by violence, including having property destroyed.

But a new trend is starting to emerge in areas affected by conflict: reconciliation and recovery, enhanced by the Indonesian government's increasing willingness to take more decisive action in pursuing peace and containing sporadic eruptions of violence. By region, these include:

Aceh: The Indonesian government and the leadership of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) signed a historic peace agreement in December 2002. This has renewed hope that a long-standing conflict may be moving towards resolution. The conflict has spanned two generations and fostered economic crisis, poverty and chronic social instability, which had an adverse impact on women and children and has compromised the ability of families to lead healthy and productive lives.

Maluku: In the Maluku Islands, more than 750,000 people have been displaced since 1999. Since a government-brokered peace agreement in early 2002, the violence in North Maluku has greatly subsided and tens of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) have returned to their homes. In Ambon, there has been a marked reduction in violence and greater freedom of movement between divided communities.

Sulawesi: Ongoing communal violence broke out in central Sulawesi in 1998. In late 2001, when an estimated 110,000 people were displaced and 11,000 houses were damaged or destroyed, the Indonesian government brokered a peace agreement. Since then, the government has demonstrated a willingness to support the agreement and contain violence in the region. This has allowed tens of thousands of people to either return to their homes or rebuild their livelihoods in resettlement areas resulting in a start of a recovery process. The peace agreements for both Sulawesi and the Maluku have also directly benefited the displaced people from the Maluku crisis who have fled to North and southeast Sulawesi, giving them a clear choice between really rebuilding their lives in the areas that have hosted them for the last couple of years or returning home.

Kalimantan has a long history of conflict between the major ethnic groups: Chinese, Malay, Dayak and Madurese. Recent violent clashes between the Dayak and Madurese led to a vast displacement of Madurese to Madura and resettlement areas of West Kalimantan. The need for livelihood enhancement and resolution of root causes must be addressed in a comprehensive way to reduce festering ethnic tension and contribute to the long process of reconciliation.

West Timor, the poorest province of Indonesia, was greatly affected by the displacement of more than 250,000 East Timorese refugees in late 1999. The refugee presence led to a dramatic decline in the local economy and caused ongoing local civil strife. Only about 40,000 refugees remain in West Timor, which is now operationally safe for international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This is an opportune time to help West Timor recover from several years of adverse agricultural conditions, a near complete cessation of joint venture industries and trade, collapsed tourism and the suspension of UN humanitarian and development assistance there.

Emergency Appeal

Church World Service Indonesia has been operational with relief and development programs in Indonesia since 1964 and has offices in Jakarta, Makassar, Palu, Tentena, Poso, Manado, Bau-Bau and Kupang. During the last two years CWS has assisted thousands of the most vulnerable IDP families and conflict affected people in Indonesia with food, shelter, water and sanitation, non-food items such as cooking utensils, seeds & tools, and health services (including psycho-social mental health (PMH) and HIV/AIDS).

CWS has been working in central Sulawesi with partner organizations from different ethnic and religious backgrounds since November 2000, providing impartial assistance to vulnerable IDPs based on need only.

In southeast Sulawesi, CWS is implementing a similar program as the one in central Sulawesi and funded by the same U.S. government grant, particularly addressing the critical needs of IDPs who haven't yet received assistance.

In northern Sulawesi, CWS is operating an assistance program for IDPs in two camps, funded through the current CWS Indonesia appeal. The assistance includes a supplementary feeding program for children under 5 and pregnant/lactating mothers, shelter, water and sanitation and income generation, as well as a psychosocial and mental health program.

In Aceh, CWS together with a local partner distributed non-food items to 1,400 IDP households.

CWS has been working in West Timor since 2000. Supported by funding through the current CWS Indonesia appeal, CWS is working with several local NGOs implementing a range of programs targeting both refugees from West Timor and the local population. Mounting tensions between IDPs and locals over land, employment and rising crime are a serious concern. CWS is therefore working with both groups in areas such as income generation, vocational training, PMH and supplementary feeding.

APPEAL UPDATE: The description of the major conflict affected areas demonstrates an emerging trend towards reconciliation and recovery. However, all contain a myriad of problems, such as destroyed infrastructure, economies in severe downturn, compromised health status, displacement, chronic social instability, and widespread trauma. Such problems must be addressed if emerging peace is to be sustained. To achieve this Church World Service is seeking continued denominational support for this program, which has been generously supported in the past by CWS member denominations.

The original appeal, issued April 2, 2001, was for $1,437,000; CWS has received $1,035,508 for this appeal; this appeal update goal -- $401,492 -- is the remaining amount of the original appeal goal.

Total Funds Raised as of 12/31/02: $1,035,508

Denominational Funders:

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA): $100,000

United Church of Christ (UCC): $50,000

Christian Church (Disciples): $15,000

Reformed Church in America (RCA): $2,500


CWS Blanket Funds: $200,000

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI): $97,291

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA): $570,717


Emergency Food / Nutrition: $100,000

Emergency Shelter / Settlement: $150,000

Emergency Health: $125,000

Water / Sanitation: $125,000

Mental Health and Psychosocial-counseling: $200,000

Economic Revitalization: $400,000

Conflict Resolution: $100,000

CWS Capacity Building: $50,000

Implementation: $187,500

(Detailed budget information available upon request.)

CHURCH WORLD SERVICE, INDONESIA: CONFLICT AFFECTED PEOPLE, Account #6925, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN, 46515. Phone pledges or credit card donations can be made by calling 1-800-297-1516.

On-line contributions to:

For further information about disasters to which Church World Service is responding, contact CWS Emergency Response:Telephone: (212) 870-3151


Call the CWS HOTLINE for updates: (800) 297-1516