For the last week of 2021, a total of 41 disasters (29 floods, 5 landslides, 4 wind-related, 3 storms) affected the region. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand have reportedly been affected. Rain-induced landslides, several localised high-intensity rainfall that caused rivers to overflow resulting in floods, and strong winds were reported by Indonesia’s Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). Flooding was reported in multiple areas in Malaysia by the Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA). The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported that storms, flooding, and landslide affected MIMAROPA, Bicol, and Eastern Visayas Regions. Lastly, Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention Mitigation (DDPM) reported flooding to have affected Nakhon Si Thammarat.
According to BNPB, from the 30th of December to the 2nd of January heavy rainfall and the overflowing of Krueng Peutoe, Krueng Keureuto, Sepanjang, and Langsa Rivers have caused flooding and landslides in East Aceh, North Aceh, Langsa City, and Aceh Tamiang in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. These events have resulted in 1 death, 67,871 persons affected, 19,947 displaced, 17,646 damaged houses. Evacuation was carried out by the regional disaster management agencies in Aceh (BPBD). The BPBD has also reported that evacuees are already in safe and good condition. Weather forecast for Aceh Province in the coming week indicates potential heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning and strong winds. Currently, some areas are still experiencing heavy rains from time to time. Local government and local communities are advised to remain alert considering the current condition and the weather forecast.