For the thirty-fourth (34th) week of 2021, a total of 37 disasters (1 earthquake, 22 floods, 9 landslides, 2 storms, and 3 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam have reportedly been affected. Hydro-meteorological (flooding, landslides and winds) and earthquake disaster events have been reported in eight (8) provinces in Indonesia as reported by Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB). Landslides which cost the lives of 11 individuals occurred in Mandalay Region, Myanmar according to the Myanmar Red Cross. Flooding, storms and winds occurred in eleven (11) provinces as reported by Thailand's Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM). Lastly, thunderstorms, flooding, and landslides have been reported by the Vietnam National Disaster Management Authority (VNDMA).
Hydro-meteorological disaster (flooding and rain-induced landslides) events have been reported in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia which affected more than 62K people across Soppeng, Wajo, Bone, and North Luwu Regency as reported by Badan Nasional Penanggulan Bencana (BNPB). According to BNPB, heavy rainfall and the overflowing of the Bunne, Lajaroko, and Walannae rivers caused floods on 28 August in Soppeng Regency, affecting around 33.6K persons and damaging around 5.4K houses, 2 bridges, roads, 2,530 ha of rice fields, and 6 ha of plantations area. According to the latest report, a few locations are still experiencing power outage in Soppeng Regency caused by this flood. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall and overflowing of the Lajokka and Walennae rivers, and other tributaries caused floods in Wajo Regency, affecting more than 22K persons, and damaging around 6.4K houses, 5 bridges, 23 schools, 3 health facilities, 8 village offices, 17 worship places, 1 market, 3,892 ha of rice fields, and 1,137 ha of fishponds.
For the past week, data from the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) showed high 7-day average rainfall spreading across Papua Islands, southeastern Sulawesi, southern and central parts of Borneo, and northern Sumatra, Indonesia, central and southern parts of Viet Nam, northern Cambodia, and central parts of Thailand. As of reporting, there are no tropical cyclone advisories in the region (JTWC).
Eleven (8) significant earthquakes (M≥5.0) were recorded in the region by Indonesia’s Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). Merapi and Ili Lewotolok in Indonesia (alert level III) reported recent volcanic activity and are under close monitoring. Volcanic activity was also reported for Mount Semeru, Ibu, and Dukono in Indonesia and Mount Taal and Kanlaon in the Philippines according to Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) and PHIVOLCS.
According to the ASMC, wetter conditions are expected over most of the central and eastern Maritime Continent, extending to Java and southern Sumatra; warmer conditions are expected over the southern Maritime Continent; For the regional assessment of extremes, there is a small increase in chance for a very heavy rainfall event to occur in the central and southeastern Maritime Continent; a moderate increase in chance in Southern Maritime Continent and small increase in chance in Western Mainland Southeast Asia for extreme hot conditions.