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Aceh Tsunami Response Programme Situation Report No. 6, 12 May 2005

Oxfam is currently present in 6 locations in Aceh, with 456 staff ( 405 national + 51 international):
- Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, based in the central office in Banda Aceh;

- Aceh Barat, based in Meulaboh and with a sub-office in Arongan;

- Lamno and its surroundings, in Aceh Jaya district;

- Calang and its surroundings, in Aceh Jaya district;

- East Coast, based in Lhokseumawe with a sub-office in Sigli.

- Nias Island based in Gunungsitoli

1. Weekly Highlights

  • In Calang information boards are being built to increase visibility of project work in beneficiary communities

  • 108 households were assisted in Lhoksamawue with temporary shelter kits in Kuta Krueng and Kuta Geulumpang Villages in Samudera Sub-District, Aceh Utara. Cash for Work activities were carried out in 5 villages to clean the fishpond and canals

  • The school bus in Lamno still running and providing an extremely valuable service for the children.

2. Brief operational update per project area

Aceh Besar (includes Banda Aceh)

  • 7 livelihood activities started in Gampong Baru, 8 in Lampaya and 1 in Lamreh with activities focused on poultry breeding (hen and cock), selling fish or coconuts, small traders etc. The majority of the livelihood activities focused on women, with 122 female and 22 male beneficiaries

  • The number of people involved in Cash for Work was 797 (306 female and 491 male) from 16 villages working on average day around 7 days. Many of the activities remained focused on clean-up activities

  • The Information Team has now completed basic assessments on 30 Barracks located in the Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh project area.

  • This week 105 wells were rehabilitated, 3 boreholes were constructed and 3 rehabilitated, 6 latrines were constructed and 4 bathing units constructed and 49 rehabilitated.

  • Thames Pam Jaya Has handed over their water treatment plant in Krueng Raya, which will be operated by the villagers with support from Oxfam.

  • The Northwest team is covering 22 returnee sites and has constucted 2 latrines(total to date 267. Drainage improvements where done in 7 sites and 30 wells were decontaminated ( total of 368). The number of bathing units constructed to date is 191, an additional 3 have been rehabilitated

  • The South West team is working in 25 returnee locations. 12 wells were decontaminated in Jeneu(total this week is 57, total to date 91), and another water pump completed 35 units in Lam Hasan, 5 units in Lampaya and 5 units in Mon Ikeun. Forty-nine bathing units were rehabilitated this week in 3 villages (35 in Lam Hasan, 12 in Jeneu and 2 in Lampaya) bringing total till date to 113 rehab bathing units.The SWM activities included 1 permanent rubbish bin in Nusa, making total permanent rubbish bins available of 2 units

  • The Central team is working in 29 locations. The team have constructed 2 new latrines units (making a total of 68) and 2 bathing areas (making a total of 74 areas). In addition, 16 wells were decontaminated (5 in Gano and 11 in Alue Deah Teungoh.

  • The Pulo Aceh team have decontaminated 18 wells and constructed 1 meeting place in Dedap.

  • The Solid Waste Management team collected and disposed off solid waste from 36 sites was this week, and increase of 3 additional sites compared to last week. There were 81 pick-up collections this week (63 last week).

  • To date, 1,513,000 litres of water was supplied to 59 sites around Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar to approximately 26,748 people.

  • This week's NFI distribution included 47 stoves to Gambong Bahru, materials for a community centre, 2120 sheets of zinc for roofing, and 208 emergency shelter tents distributed to 15 villages.

Aceh Jaya (Lamno Programme)

  • All 17 tailoring groups are now operating and producing uniforms. Currently there are 70 participants (5 men and 65 women). A total of 340 uniforms have been distributed to boys and girls aged 7 to 17. A further 150 are ready for distribution. Oxfam will maintain monitoring and plans to set-up a further 19 work groups over the next few weeks.

  • 21MT of rice seed has been delivered to 14 communities and will benefit 894 farmers. This is sufficient seed to feed 14,000 households for 5 months and has a market value almost =A3600,0001.

  • Oxfam has been facilitating the collection of timber from Tsunami felled trees. This will be used to construct Oxfam bladder tables and latrines. In addition Oxfam has distributed timber for community centres.

  • School bus still running and providing an extremely valuable service for the children.

  • Regular distribution of newspapers delivered through community leaders to enable better access to information. Up to 300 newspapers distributed almost daily

  • Construction of Upflow clarifier 100% complete and operational

  • 60 wells cleaned in Pula Raya. This brings the total to 211 wells in 7 returnee sites

  • Water and sanitation work almost entirely focussed on returnee sites. Oxfam now does operation of the treatment system

  • 100 waste bins have been distributed to returnee sites. They will be used for burning rubbish until a more appropriate system can be developed.

  • Oxfam is still managing the transport of sewage from septic-trucks, so far 117 requests for the service.

  • Debris removal has continued in Lheut village 4000m3 has been cleared

  • Nusa Bridge is 50% complete and Krung Tutong Bridge is 40% complete.

  • CFW has continued in 3 communities where agricultural land has been covered in debris. In addition, CFW phase 3 has begun in a further 8 communities. In total there are 364 men and 220 women currently working in CFW.

Aceh Jaya (Calang Programme)

  • The first information board has been constructed and 15 more are expected to be built this week.

  • WatSan activities well underway with the cornerstone waterfall project nearing completion.

  • 5 trucks are prepared for water trucking to 4000 people.

  • The well dewatering team has been outfitted.

  • 28 Latrines and 10 bathing units are almost complete in three villages, and 60 latrines are in progress in Krueng Sabee.

Aceh Barat (includes Meulaboh)

  • At Mosque Suakribe the water tower has been erected and the distribution network commenced. The Mosque washing and latrine facilities have now been fully rehabilitated

  • 45 Cash for Work projects have been completed in Muelaboh and 9 are ongoing with a total of 8190 beneficiaries.

  • In Gampong Ladang (Samatiga), we are finalising agricultural support to 33 households. This will include the provision of two hand tractors, seed, fertilizer and wire for fencing

  • During the period from the 1st -6th of May 3 wells were cleaned, 79 latrines were emptied, 2 latrines and 1 septic tank were repaired and a total volume of 3,255,000 litres of water have been delivered.

  • At the Gampong Darat and Kampung Belakang 5000litre water tanks have been installed.

  • At SMPN-V Suakribe a pre-tsunami borehole has been rehabilitated and pumping tests carried out. A storage reservoir is being constructed in order to supply the school with water. The rehabilitation of latrines has commenced and a water distribution network has been being placed.

  • Work is continuing on the construction of facility sets (well rehabilitation/construction; latrines and shower blocks) in Samatiga. At Penaga Cut, Gunong Kleng, Periebu dusun Rundeng, Keub dusun Serumpuh and Langung the construction of 3 facility sets (2 male, 2 female facilities each) continues. At Keub dusun Kota Tengah work continues for a 4 unit facility set. In Sineubok Lung a 2 unit facility set is under construction

East coast (Pidie, Bireuen, Aceh Utara, Lhokseumawe)

  • Discussions were carried out with the communities in five randomly selected villages in Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara Districts to assess needs for livelihoods.

  • Oxfam is currently working in 9 villages in the areas of Meuraksa and Samudra in well cleaning and rehabilitation, latrine construction and rehabilitation, public health promotion and investigation of permanent drinking water supply options

  • Water tankering continues with approximately 75,000 litres a day delivered o 1,240 people in the Samudra barrack, approximately 15,000 litres a day for 600 people at the Blang Mangat barrack and 22,500 litres a day to the Bayu IDP camp for around 1,000 people.

  • Oxfam has provided a permanent water supply to the Reuluet barrack.

  • Cash for Work activities was carried out in 5 villages to clean the fishpond and canals; two in Blang Mangat Sub District (Lhokseumawe District), one in Samudera Sub District and one in Tanah Pasir Sub District (Aceh Utara District) and one in Pidie Sub District (Pidie District).

  • 78 households in Kuta Krueng and 30 in Kuta Geulumpang were provided with a temporary shelter kit, which includes 35 zinc sheets and 25 timber of different sizes.


  • we are distributing enough clean water to supply around 40,000 people at basic SPHERE standard we are installing pour flush latrines which require water for operation, and there is still substantial washing to be seen in Gunungsitoli and elsewhere, which suggests our beneficiary number in Gunungsitoli to be around 25,000 people

  • 1000 shelter boxes were distributed in 21 districts through four partner organisations, LPAM, YEU, IMC and Yahasan Holi'ana'a.

  • We completed an excellent 1-day training with PHPs. This indicated low conceptual knowledge but a high level of enthusiasm

  • Most emergency shelter needs as a result of collapsed buildings are now being met across the island as a result of the large scale distributions of Oxfam and others

3. Partners update

  • The Partners unit has been working on the Civic Info Fair this week. The fair, which is hosted by the House of Representatives and the National Democratic Institute, is to be held in Jakarta from the 16th to the 18th of May.

  • This week the number of proposals received were 4, 16 are being processed, 4 have been approved and 6 were rejected. The total number of proposals received till now is 143.

4. Background information on Oxfam work in Aceh

Oxfam worked in Aceh from 2000 to 2003 and retuned to the province in late December 2004 to respond to the tsunami disaster. In the immediate aftermath of the tsunami, our teams provided relief assistance to the population living in IDP settlements in the form of non-food items distribution (such as hygiene kits) and implementation of water and sanitation facilities and public health promotion. Whereas this is still in place, the focus of the work has shifted to supporting IDPs return to their villages. Besides providing water and sanitation support in returnee communities (water tanking, cleaning wells, building latrines), we develop cash for work projects and support livelihoods recovery. Oxfam is also supporting IDPs' living in host communities and has set up water supply systems in 6 temporary living centres (5 on the East Coast and 1 in Aceh Besar).

Through a partners support and liaison unit set up within Aceh Programme, Oxfam also supports local and national organisations to ensure that they are active in the assistance to those in need and that they participate in the recovery of Aceh. Their activities range from basic health care and education to livelihoods and community participation in decision-making process for Aceh recovery and rehabilitation plan. Partners programme area cover Medan in North Sumatra province Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya on the West Coast, Pidie, Bireun, Aceh Utara and the island of Nias.

Since the start of the programme, Oxfam:

  • currently has over 165,000 beneficiaries over 6 areas -- Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya (Lamno), Aceh Jaya (Calang), Aceh Barat (Meulaboh), Nias and the East Coast (Pidie, Bireuen, Aceh Utara and Lhokseumawe)

  • Reached over 142,000 beneficiaries with daily water trucking deliveries.

  • Benefiting more than 29,379 people through cash for work projects in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya and Aceh Barat. Apart from the cash, the groups participating in the projects also receive the tools. The average daily payment of cash for work is 35-40,000 Rupiah per person per day.

  • Distributed shelter materials to over 4,565 households to facilitate the construction of temporary shelters.

  • Spent over 358,000 USD on non-food items that are been distributed in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Barat and Aceh Jaya. Most of the items are bought either in the project areas or in Medan.

  • Funded over 40 local and national organisations. The support includes funding to re-establish their operational capacity hiring new offices and buying equipment), funding to programmes as well as capacity building. Thus far, 6,943,120 (800,000 USD) have been granted to these organisations.

  • Oxfam is now reaching over 30,000 beneficiaries across Nias with assistance, which includes; water, sanitation, food, shelter and the distribution of non-food items.