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World Vision India Tsunami Response: Final Report Dec 2004 - Dec 2007


More than 14,000 people lost their lives when the 2004 Asia Tsunami hit the eastern coastline of India, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Half a million people were displaced; villages and livelihoods were shattered.

More than 8,000 people were killed and 3,300 injured in the fishing state of Tamil Nadu alone.

A considerable relief and recovery effort has since been underway to rebuild affected areas and engage communities in rehabilitation interventions. This final report outlines the World Vision India Tsunami Response programme and its impact on the recovery of households.


Programme Goal

To restore and improve the previous living conditions of tsunami-affected communities in Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, Kanyakumari, Chennai/Kalpakkam, Pondicherry, Kollam/ Alleppy, Machilipatnam, Narsapur, Singarayakonda, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

A three-year programme was designed by World Vision to meet the recovery needs of affected communities, and support their longer-term rehabilitation. The programme encompassed seven integrated sectors: Livelihood Support, Infrastructure Development, Health, Education, Community Rehabilitation, Disaster Preparedness and Camp Management. Community-based needs assessments, a baseline survey and exit assessments all helped to inform the strategic plan for the life of the response.

The implementation of the programme was conducted in three phases:

- Phase I focused on the Rapid Response and was implemented in the first 90 days.

- Phase II focused on Recovery and was implemented between 1 April 2005 and 31 December 2005.

- Phase III focused on Rehabilitation and was implemented between 1 January 2006 and December 2007.

The graphic below details the activities undertaken by World Vision during the response.

World Vision conducted a qualitative and quantitative study in December 2006 in preparation for the 2007 programme phase-out. The evaluation served to examine the relevance and effectiveness of World Vision strategies and interventions, assess the programme’s impact on the livelihood security of participating households and communities, and explore the sustainability of activities. The study included in-depth and structured interviews with over 1,800 randomly selected households in the tsunami-affected districts of Pondicherry, Cuddalore, Narsapur, Nagapattinam, Kerala, as well as in the Andaman Islands.

In general, the study found that World Vision’s programme addressed many critical community needs, appropriately targeted households and supported them in their economic recovery without forming dependency.

The programme was highly valued by communities, Government and other NGOs. Partners remarked positively on World Vision’s transparency and that it was one of the first organisations to do substantive community development work as part of its recovery assistance.

This report details the key impact areas in the context of each sectoral goal and its activities.

The World Vision India Tsunami Response benefited 59,910 families (approximately 263,701 individuals).