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WFP India Country Brief, September 2019



In the State of Odisha, WFP is entering into an agreement with Mission Shakti, the State Government’s Directorate for Women’s Self-Help Groups (WSHGs). WFP will support in strengthening the capacities of WSHGs on livelihoods, empowerment and nutrition. There are 600,000 WSHGs, covering about 7 million women across the State.

On 25 September, in a joint ceremony with Ericsson India, WFP and Government of Odisha representatives, WFP handed over the completed report for the project ‘Proving ICT based solutions for improving food security to Government of Odisha’ to its key stakeholders. Funded by Ericsson India, the project was initiated in 2018 to enhance and integrate the Targeted Public Distribution System’s supply chain in Odisha using ICT solutions. Two days earlier, on 23 September, Ericsson India won the 6th CSR impact award for the use of ICT for the same project. The ceremony was attended by WFP Representative and Country Director, Mr. Bishow Parajuli.

Operational Updates

Protecting Access to Food

• The Ministry of Agriculture has requested WFP to provide technical support in enhancing food security of women smallholder farmers, through better access to credit, technology, markets and value addition. WFP has submitted a project proposal to the ministry for a gender assessment of rural markets, which is now awaiting approval and funding.

• WFP has initiated a collaboration with the Department of Women and Child Development and Mission Shakti, Government of Odisha, to enhance the food security, livelihoods and market linkages of women smallholder farmers and women microenterprises. A Memorandum of Understanding is undergoing the approval process of the Government of Odisha. Funding for the project has been secured through the private sector.

• WFP received a request from the State Government of Uttarakhand to provide technical assistance to optimise the supply chain of its Targeted Public Distribution Supply Chain. The funding for the project has been approved, and WFP is preparing a formal Letter of Agreement.

• A few months ago, a proposal for supporting improvements in the supply chain and warehousing operations of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) and Central Warehousing Corporation was submitted to the Department of Food and Public Distribution (DFPD) which has now been provisionally approved for funding by the Ministry.