The Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a union territory of India that spans across 500 km in the Bay of Bengal. It is an archipelago that is composed of 572 islands which are categorised under two island groups, viz. Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands. Known for their beautiful and fragile ecosystems, these islands are also home to many indigenous tribal groups like the Sentinelese people, a pristine tribe that still lives at the Paleolithic level of technology.
However, the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 led to widespread devastation in these islands. More than 2,000 people lost their lives, more than 4,000 children were orphaned or suffered the loss of one parent, and a minimum of 40,000 people were rendered homeless.
More than 46,000 people were injured as well. Following the Tsunami, major recovery efforts were taken up by state and non-state actors in these islands.
Nearly 14 years after that devastating Tsunami, it is warranted to assess the extent and sustainability of these recovery efforts. This issue of Southasiadisasters.net is titled, "Understanding Recovery in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands" and highlights the various aspects of the post-tsumani recovery process there. This issue focuses on many themes related with the recovery process in the islands such as the importance of understanding the underlying factors of vulnerability, the role of international humanitarian agencies in assisting the recovery, civil-military cooperation in the response efforts, importance of housing, food and nutrition for a sustainable recovery and rehabilitation, etc. Most importantly, this issue highlights the nature of vulnerability and risk reduction in these beautiful islands. – Kshitij Gupta