It is time we stop a hazard from becoming a disaster. Local communities have the knowledge and resilience.
“Turning the Tide – Good Practices in community based disaster risk reduction” is an attempt to promote the culture of documentation at community level. It is a collection of innovative and sustainable practices in disaster risk reduction drawn from 11 states of India (Assam, Tripura, west Bengal, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttrakhand). These practices have been classified into five chapters – drought, earthquake, flood, cyclone and integrated hazard management. Each of them narrates the initiatives taken by the Non- governmental and community based organizations in the field of disaster risk reduction, stories of resilient communities and processes they adopted to eliminate threats posed by hazards. These stories demonstrate the roles of collective action of different stakeholders and the importance of integrated hazard management. The government involvement in some situations is a testimony of state commitment to building community resilience. By bringing out this GOOD PRACTICE DOCUMENTATION we do not intend to claim it to be the last word in this direction, but we wish to present to the community of practitioners in disaster management that such good practices need attention, support , hand holding and sponsorship to help mature, replicate and scale up.
The process started with desk research to identify and collect good practices on community based disaster risk reduction. An open expression of interest was disseminated widely in Sphere India – State level IAGs (Inter Agency Group), outreach networks, forums, workshops and similar civil society events. To make it more inclusive, Sphere India members, leading experts and practitioners also guided in identification of case studies and exemplary works. The information was also collated through internet and media research of works on disaster management in India. The research collated 178 case studies for further analysis and short listing. The case studies were analysed with respect to the specified criteria and shared with the project committee members. The entries not meeting the specifications were screened and 33 case studies were finalised for field validation.