Dear Readers,
Greeting from Sphere India Welcome to the June-July 2015 issue of Sphere India Newsletter. This issue features response/relief, updates from Sphere India programme unit and a list of upcoming events.
One of the articles showcases Brainstorming on National capacity building strategy for healthcare. The second article is on Nepal Earthquake: Unfolding Uncertainties for Secondary Hazards.
Two updates are from our member organizations on Disaster Resilient School Safety Program launch and another one is an experience sharing programme on conducting a national outreach initiative on Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. Another feature article discusses the last month updates from Sphere India programme unit: IAC, KM, CA and TCB.
And lastly it includes two case studies on Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief by PGVS-Cordaid and miscellaneous section with upcoming events/ training in month of July, 2015.
A key note message, news from government, key activities of member organizations, case studies from Nepal earthquake.
Vikrant Mahajan,
CEO, Sphere India