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Situation Report 1 - Cyclone Ockhi, 2nd December 2017


A. Very Severe Cylone Storm - Ockhi

A depression developed to the west of Sri Lanka on 28th Nov, intensified into deep depression and named cyclone Ockhi as it passed 170 km South/South East of Kanyakumari, tip of Indian

peninsula on Nov 30. The cyclone classified into Severe Cyclone category re-curved north- north-east in the Arabian sea impacting coastal districts of Kerala on December 1. The Indian

Meteorological Department (IMD) has already warned that “high waves” towering 3-4.9m would be seen 10 km off Kerala’s coast today. According to a joint bulletin issued by IMD and Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) released yesterday, the severe cyclonic storm, centered over Lakshadweep, is likely to further intensify in the next 12 hours. At least 10 locations on the islands would witness high waves ranging from 4.8-7.4m in the next 24 hours, along with “heavy to very heavy rainfall”, said the bulletin. It it also predicts that the system could re-curve north-north-east aiming at the West Coast of India, aligning it towards the Mumbai–Gujarat coasts after December 4 (Monday onwards). It has been further reclassified into Very Severe Cyclone category as per the latest press release of IMD released at 12:00 noon today. For more details, please see,

Sources: Media, IMD Website, INCOIS, IAG TN