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National Recovery and Preparedness for the Pandemic - Issue No. 203, November 2022


This issue of is titled, ‘National Recovery and Preparedness for the Pandemic’ and focuses and focuses on the question of ‘national recovery and preparedness for the pandemic’. It questions our underlying beliefs about recovery and preparedness and offers newer paradigms.

This issue's contents include: (1) National Recovery from COVID-19: Key Opportunities; (2) Oxfam’s Role in Promoting the Pandemic Preparedness; (3) Pandemic and Climate Change: Priority is Preparedness; (4) Environmental Agenda for the Pandemic Preparedness in India; (5) Agenda for the Pandemic Preparedness in Uttar Pradesh; (6) The Pandemic Preparedness: An Assessment by NEADS; and (7) Different Preparedness measures of Himachal Pradesh during Pandemic

Some of the best thinkers, researchers, experts, and activists, including Mihir R. Bhatt with AIDMI Team; Basab Sarkar, Humanitarian Programme Coordinator, Humanitarian Hub, Oxfam India; Dhriti Pathak and Dr. Anish Chatterjee, Consultants – UNDP India; Dr. Bhanu Pratap, MBBS, DTM&H, M. Med, and Brig. PK Singh, VSM, India; Tirtha Prasad Saikia, Assistant Director, North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS), Jorhat, Assam, India; and Twinkle Thakur and Kesar Chand, G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Himachal Regional Centre, Mohal-Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India

Theme: Pandemic, Preparedness, Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, Humanitarian, Governance

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