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India: Tsunami related activities in Tamil Nadu (as of 07.06.2005)

The Government has sanctioned funds for relief and rehabilitation measures for the damages caused due to Tsunami. The details of relief on the various items of assistance are given below:-


Government of Tamil Nadu sanctioned a sum of Rs. 65 crores from the Calamity Relief Fund as an immediate package of following assistance to the Fishermen.

- Replacement of gill nets for Vallams at Rs.20,000 per unit for 10,000 units at a total cost of Rs.20 crores.

- Replacement of gill nets for catamarans at Rs.10,000 per unit for 20,000 units at a total cost of Rs.20 crores

- Repair / rebuilding of Vallams at Rs.15,000 per unit for 10,000 boats at a total cost of Rs.15 crores

- Repair / rebuilding of catamarans at Rs.10000 per unit for 20,000 catamarans at a total cost of Rs.20 crores.

The Government sanctioned a sum of Rs. 78 lakhs for repairing 1560 Out Board Motors / In Board Engines which have been damaged during Tsunami at the rate of Rs. 5,000 per engine.

The Government have also sanctioned Rs. 395.56 crores for the following assistance: Replacement of fully damaged / lost wooden catamarans with a wooden catamaran inclusive of net, at a full subsidy of Rs.32000 per catamaran


Replacement of fully damaged / lost Wooden catamaran with FRP catamaran - 35% subsidy of the total cost subject to the maximum of Rs. 52,500/- at an unit cost of Rs.1.5 lakhs (inclusive of engine and net) Replacement of fully damaged / lost FRP catamaran 50% subsidy of the total cost subject to a maximum subsidy of Rs.

75000/- calculated at an unit cost of Rs. 1.5 lakhs inclusive of engine and net -- loan is optional. Replacement of fully damaged / FRP Vallam - 50% of the total cost as subsidy subject to a maximum subsidy of Rs. 75000/- calculated at an unit cost of Rs.1.5 lakhs ( inclusive of engine and net) -- loan is optional Repairs to mechanised boats - the subsidy is 60% of the assessed value of the damages restricted to a maximum subsidy of Rs.3 lakhs per boat -- loan is optional. Replacement of fully damaged / lost mechanised boats - 35% subsidy of the total cost restricted to a maximum subsidy of Rs.5 lakhs per boat -- loan is optional.

Out of the above sanction, the following amounts have been disbursed: Rs. 45.44 crores for repair / rebuilding / reconstruction of all types of Catamarans; Rs. 6.61 crores for repair / rebuilding / reconstruction of all types of Vallams; Rs. 43.44 crores for fully / partly damaged mechanised boats; Rs. 35.19 crores for disbursement of nets. Rs. 1.13 crores for repairing Out Board Motors

A sum of Rs.10 lakhs towards subsidy of Rs.25,000/- each for prawn / crab farm owners, fish seeding farm owners, fish transport owners, ice manufacturing units, etc. who have lost their assets due to Tsunami in Cuddalore District.

A sum of Rs. 6.64 crores as assistance for resumption of fishing activities, dredging operations and repair of fishing harbours and fish landing centres.

A sum of Rs. 430.50 lakhs as assistance for the damage to the fishing harbour and fish landing centre, repairs, dredging operations and related activities for resumption of fishing activities, restoration of damages to Chennai I and II fishing harbours.

A sum of Rs. 2.70 lakhs for provision of new printers and Rs. 3.46 lakhs to meet unforeseen expenditure by the Fisheries Department.

A sum of Rs. 50 lakhs to meet the unforeseen expenditure such as preparation of the assessment report and amenities to the staff of Director of Fisheries engaged in relief work.

Renovation of jetty at Mallipatnam in Thanjavur District at a cost of Rs.55 lakhs.

A sum of Rs. 5 lakhs for repairing Chinnamuttom boat yard and Rs.1.89 lakhs for repairing Kanniyakumari boat yard to speed up the process of repairs of boats.

The Government have ordered for exemption of payment of sales tax on the purchase of catamarans, new FRP catamaran, new FRP / wooden vallam, goods including timber intended for repairing damaged mechanized boats including fiberglass boat fitted with OBM.

The Government have directed that the assistance allotted for FRP Vallams shall be extended to similar FRP beach landing fishing crafts whether they are called as Vallams or Catamarans.

Rs. 10.5 lakhs as 35 % subsidy for building 40 pettis at the unit cost of Rs.75,000/- in Nagapattinam District.

Rs. 6 lakhs towards 35% subsidy as relief for the damages caused to the properties of Tamil Nadu Fisheries Development Corporation and TAFCOFED (Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Federation).


The Government sanctioned a sum of Rs. 40 crores for building temporary accommodation at the rate of Rs. 8000/- per family for 50,000 families. Another 50,000 temporary shelters were to be provided by NGOs. So far, 13735 temporary shelters have been taken up for construction by the Government and completed. Likewise, the NGOs have taken up 17238 temporary shelters and have completed 16968. The Government also issued orders for private - public participation for construction of permanent shelters and community assets such as schools, PHCs, community shelters, etc. Many NGOs have come forward to participate in these programs. Guidelines for evaluating NGOs, a Model MOU to be entered into between the Collector and the NGO / Corporate and technical details for construction of disaster proof houses have been finalized and sent to all coastal Collectors. Government have announced a massive housing programme to build 1,30,000 houses in all the affected areas at an unit cost of Rs.1.5 lakh each. Infrastructure facilities like roads, water supply, sanitation, Rain Water Harvesting structures, etc., will also be provided. Repair cost up to Rs.75,000/- will be given based on the value of assessed damages.

Government have sanctioned a sum of Rs. 23.20 crores towards the cost of land acquisition for construction of houses and other infrastructure to the affected families in nine coastal districts. A sum of Rs. 5.463 crores has been sanctioned for 27318 temporary shelters @ Rs. 2000 per shelter for repairing the damaged roofs, to provide infrastructure facilities like toilets, bathrooms and community sheds around the shelters.

A sum of Rs. 0.70 crores sanctioned for providing water supply and lighting to the temporary shelters in Kanniyakumari District and Rs. 1 crore to Nagapattinam District.


The Government of Tamil Nadu have sanctioned

An ex-gratia payment of Rs.1 lakh per dead person from Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund. The above ex-gratia payment has been given to the families of 6647 dead persons out of 8010 who died due to Tsunami.

A sum of Rs.3.50 crore as ex-gratia amount at the rate of Rs.25,000/- for person who lost their limbs or eyes and at the rate of Rs.5,000/- for those who sustained grievous injury. So far, 2579 persons have been assisted to the tune of Rs.133.35 lakhs.

Relief package to 1,50,000 families who have lost their huts, at the rate of Rs.4912/- per family. The total amount allotted for this purpose was Rs.73.68 crores. So far 1,18,586 families have been benefited by this scheme at a cost of Rs.58.25 crore.

A sum of Rs.45 crores as relief assistance to the 1,50,000 families including the families of fishermen and those involved in small business and petty trades connected with the coastal economy at the rate of Rs.2912/- per family. The amount has been actually disbursed to 1,76,484 affected families at a cost of Rs.51.39 crore. The Government also sanctioned a sum of Rs.7.43 crore to extend financial assistance at the rate of Rs. 2912/- per family for 24764 additional families closely connected with the coastal economy who lost their wages and employment. The Government have further extended the relief package by sanctioning Rs. 1,45,600/- to 50 families who have returned from Andaman and Nicobar Islands to Nagapattinam District .

A sum of Rs.5 crores as relief package for petty traders / shop owners at the rate of Rs.2,000/- for damages to mobile / temporary shop owners and Rs.5,000/- for damages to pucca shop owners.

A sum of Rs.122 crores as sustenance allowance of Rs.1000/- and 30 kgs of rice, provisions, kerosene etc., valued at Rs.526/- per month for each family for 3 months from February to April 2005 to the Tsunami affected 3 lakh families. So far 2,75,341 families have been given this relief package at a cost of Rs.37.60 crore for February 2005; 2,71,383 families at a cost of Rs.37.06 crore for March 2005; and 2,63,594 families at a cost of Rs. 35.99 crore for April 2005. A sum of Rs. 40.67 crores has been sanctioned for extenstion of sustenance allowance package for the month of May 2005.

A sum of Rs.1.73 crores for extension of sustenance allowance package to 5654 families of Ramanathapuram District.

A sum of Rs. 1.27 crores for extension of sustenance allowance package to 2764 additional families in Kanniyakumari District.

Free text books, note books and uniforms have been disbursed to the students of 1st Std to 12th Std who are studying in Government / Govt. aided schools located in Tsunami affected areas. 1,05,264 students were benefitted.

A sum of Rs. 1.04 crore for the expenditure incurred towards the disbursement of text books and note books to the Tsunami affected students by the Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation.

The tuition fees and special fees payable by the students of Tsunami affected families for the period from 01.01.2005 to the end of the academic year 2005-06 will be borne by the State Government. In addition, the students will be exempted from payment of examination fees from March 2005 to the end of academic year 2005-2006.

The conduct of separate public examination for the students studying in 121 number of Tsunami affected schools.

A sum of Rs.6.35 crore for unforeseen expenditure including debris removal, arrangements for burial of the dead, transportion of relief materials, to move the affected families to resettlement areas, etc. Out of this, a sum of Rs.4.10 crore has been spent.

A sum of Rs.9 crore towards a relief package of assistance to 1.5 lakh affected families who lost their houses by way of providing trunk boxes, stoves and stainless steel kudams. So far, 115987 trunk boxes, 90321 stoves and 98733 stainless steel kudams have been distributed at a cost of Rs. 6.79 crore.

An ex-gratia of Rs.2500/- each totaling Rs.1.20 crore for 4799 sanitary workers to recognise their efforts.

A sum of Rs.1,80,13,930/- as relief to the crops damaged over an area of 5598.89 hectares. This relief will benefit 13158 farmers affected due to Tsunami.

A sum of Rs.1696.16 lakhs for reclamation of sand cast and saline agricultural lands at the rate of Rs.12,500/- per ha. covering an extent of 13569.29 ha. affected by Tsunami.

A sum of Rs. 83,72,750/- to take up the relief works in 669.82 hectares of Tsunami affected Horticultural land at the rate of Rs. 12,500/- per hectare.

A sum of Rs.2,80,11,150/- as relief to the loss of livestock such as cattle & buffalo, calf and draught animals, sheep and goat, poultry, etc. So far, a sum of Rs.1.78 crore has been disbursed for this purpose.

A sum of Rs.1.40 crore for construction of temporary bridge connecting Melamanakkudy and Keelamanakkudy villages in Kanniyakumari District.

Construction of Rubble Mound Sea Wall for 1 km at Azhical, Kottilpadu and Maramady villages at a cost of Rs.2 crore and at a cost of Rs. 19 lakhs at Melamanakudy village in Kanniyakumari district.

A sum of Rs. 1 crore as relief for loss of shore seines in Kanniyakumari District.

Rs. 77.71 lakhs being 35% subsidy of total amount required for revival of affected Small Scale Industries Units (SSI) in the districts of Nagapattinam, Cuddalore, Chennai, Kancheepuram and Kanniyakumari districts.

Rs. 10 lakhs as relief to the Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Ltd for restoring the cross bunds inside the salt works in Ramanathapuram District.

Rs. 24.75 crores as reliesf for the damages suffered due to Tsunami by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (Rs. 10 crores); TWAD Board (Rs.14.25 crores); and Poompuhar Shipping Corporation (Rs.0.50crores)

Rs. 1,02,87,738/- for the expenditure incurred by the Municipal Administration Department towards the supply of men and materials, ie., utensils, disinfectants, fuels, hire charges for vehicles, etc, in the badly affected coastal towns.


Three orphanages have been opened for children rendered orphans in the districts of Cuddalore, Nagapattinam and Nagercoil (Kanniyakumari) with facilities to maintain one hundred children at each centre. Government sanctioned a sum of Rs. 47.76 lakhs for this purpose. So far, 73 children in Cuddalore, 109 children in Nagapattinam and 29 children in Kanniyakumari have been admitted.

The Government have sanctioned a sum of Rs.19 lakhs towards payment of relief to the 26 children from 19 families who lost both the parents in Kanniyakumari, Kancheepuram and Nagapattinam District.

Orphaned adolescent girls are being admitted into service homes run by the State Government. Two new service homes have been opened in Kanniyakumari and Nagapattinam districts - 23 girls in Nagapattinam and 5 girls in Kanniyakumari district have been admitted. Government sanctioned Rs. 41.74 lakhs for this purpose.

State Government is investing a sum of Rs.5 lakhs as fixed deposit in the name of each orphaned child and orphaned adolescent girl rendered homeless. This amount will be available to them when they attain the age of 18 for further studies / self employment, etc.

Unmarried orphaned girls over 18 years of age are being admitted in service homes and given technical training to acquire vocational skills. So far 7 girls in Kanniyakumari district, one girl in Nagapattinam district and three girls in Cuddalore district have been admitted. A sum of Rs.3 lakhs will be invested as a fixed deposit in each of their names.

Ongoing pension schemes have been extended to cover all those rendered destitute by the calamity. Old Age Pension has been sanctioned to 103 persons, Physically handicapped pension to 36, Destitute widow pension to 264, Destitute Agricultural Labourer pension to 11 and Destitute wives Pension to 7, totaling 421 persons.


All the major roads and bridges were restored to allow for traffic by 31.12.2004. The Highways Department has submitted proposals for improvement of roads and construction / reconstruction of bridges to an extent of Rs. 770 crores. Power and Water supply have been restored at all affected areas within 48 hours of tsunami and repair works to the tune of Rs. 16.93 crores taken up by TNEB. A sum of Rs. 64.15 cores for immediate repair of Highways and other roads has been sanctioned.