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India - Tropical storm MICHAUNG, update (DG ECHO, GDACS, IMD, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 6 December 2023)

  • Tropical storm MICHAUNG passed over the central Andra Pradesh and the neighbouring eastern Telangana States on 5 December and in the very early morning (UTC) of 6 December as a tropical storm and as a tropical depression. On 6 December at 3.00 UTC the remnants of MICHAUNG was located in the area of southern Chhattisgarh, southern Odisha and northern Andhra Pradesh States.

  • Its passage caused very heavy rainfall across the four aforementioned states and the Tamil Nadu State. Media report, as of 6 December, 16 fatalities across Tamil Nadu. In addition, a total of approximately 390,000 affected people were reported across the Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

  • Over the next 48 hours, more heavy rainfall with locally very heavy rainfall is forecast over central-eastern India.