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India: Plan 2010-2011 (MAAIN001)


Executive summary

India remains extremely vulnerable to both seismic and hydro-meteorological hazards such as floods, cyclones, droughts and landslides. The vulnerability to disasters is aggravated by social, cultural, economic, institutional and political factors. Deforestation is adding to the environmental instability and contributing to global warming and climate change. There is evidence that climate change is increasing the severity and frequency of natural disasters such as floods and cyclones, and causing new and increased health problems. Due to ad hoc governance, there is rapid and unplanned urbanization which leads people to work and live in unsafe environments more vulnerable to natural disasters. Access to information is poor, especially for marginalized people, who are deprived of the ability to make informed decisions both in relation to risks but also in their response. Disasters cost lives, destroy communities and people's livelihoods and leave a lasting impact not only on the physical infrastructure but also on people's psychosocial well-being.

The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is the largest humanitarian organization in India with over million volunteers and a network of over 700 branches spread all over the country. The IRCS is a recognized force in the disaster management (DM) sector in the region.

The International Federation India country plan 2010-2011 is in line with the IRCS strategic development plan 2009-2012, the draft disaster management strategy 2009-2013 and the International Federation's Global Agenda goals and strategy 2010.

Building upon the existing IRCS disaster management achievements, the India country plan 2010-11 will work on further enhancing the national society's key priorities; strengthening community resilience, increasing organizational preparedness for effective response in developing/strengthening lesson learning and knowledge sharing, coordination and networking mechanisms. The disaster management programme will incorporate the International Federation's Global Agenda Goal 1: Reduce the number of deaths, injuries and impact from disasters, as well as the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development Goals component reflecting the International Federation's commitment towards the global development agendas. The programme is in line with the Hyogo Framework for Action 20052015 (building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters), Millennium Development Goal and the 28th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, national societies together with the states adopted 'The Agenda for Humanitarian Action', which specifically "acknowledged the importance of disaster risk reduction and to undertake measures to minimize the impact of disasters on vulnerable populations".

The IRCS health and care activities are in tune with the International Federation's Global Agenda goals one and two, which aim to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and impact from disasters, diseases and health risks in emergencies.

Overall, approximately 2,375,000 beneficiaries from the most vulnerable communities would be served directly through the health and care, disaster management, principles and values and the organizational development programmes.

The budget for 2010 is CHF 1,909,103 (USD 1.85 million or EUR 1.25 million) and the budget for 2011 is CHF 1,736,503 (USD 1.68 million or EUR 1.14 million)

Peoplereached (direct)
Peoplereached (indirect)
Disaster management
Health and care
Organizational development
Principles and values
Integrated in OD
Integrated in OD