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India: Orissa Flood Sitrep 30 Aug 2003 0415 hrs

Nature of Disaster: Floods
The depression over North Orissa and adjoining areas of West Bengal, Jharkhand, and North Chatisgarh continuing in the last 3 days has resulted in heavy rainfall at many places over Upper Mahanadi and at a few places over Lower Mahanadi catchments. Rainfall has occurred at most places over Subernarekha, Baitarani, Lower Brahmani, and Upper & Lower Mahanadi, at many places over Budhabalanga, at a few places over Upper Brahmani and at isolated places over other catchment areas.

Areas Affected:

The consequence of this persistent rainfall is a threatening flood situation getting critical in the State affecting 13 districts. The districts affected so far are Kalahandi, Rayagada, Gajapati, Balangir, Sonepur, Baragarh, Koraput, Cuttack, Nayagarh, Jagatsinghapur, Ganjam, Angul, and Puri.

Current Situation and Projected Evolutionary Threats:

Last night at 2245 hrs, 38 gates of Hirakud dam have been opened. The inflow into the dam was 6, 64,000 cusecs of water and the outflow is 6,44,870 cusecs. This trend has already resulted in marked rises in the water levels of Mahanadi and most of its tributaries. IMD has forecast a mainly cloudy sky with a few spells of rain/thundershowers for the next 24 hours.

Reservoir status as on 29th Aug 03 at 2200 hrs:
Name of Reservoir
Full Reservoir Level
Reservoir Level
Gate opened
Reservoir level as
29.08.03 (in Feet)
630.00 ft.
629.25 ft.
7,00,000 cusec
6,42,000 cusec
38 Nos
123.50 m.
118.96 m.
1276.90 cusec
722.00 cusec
1678.904 mcft
253.904 mcft
- mcft.
- mcft.
Upper Kolab
235.05 cusec
29.80 cusec
640.30 m.
1062.00 cumec
12.541 cumec
82.30 m.
71.56 m.
75.30 cusec
18.18 cusec

River Discharge as on 29th Aug 03 at 2200 hrs
Name of River
Observatory Station
Date & Time
29.08.2003/22.00 hrs
9,10,000 cusec
29.08.2003/22.00 hrs
11,81,000 cusec
29.08.2003/21.00 hrs
12,91,615 cusec
Naraj Rly Bridge
29.08.2003/09.00 hrs
9,80,290 cusec
29.08.2003/06.00 hrs
7,71,437 cusec
Biridi Rly. Bridge
29.08.2003/08.00 hrs
29,105 cusec
Gotta Barrage
(Inflow F/C is issued only when inflow to the Barrage exceeds 1133 cumecs when all gates are opened)

District wise details:
Sl. No.
Cuttack Naraj Barrage at Cuttack District opened its sluice gates at 22.30 hrs last night and discharged 13,24,723 cusecs of water into Kathjodi River which resulted in the water level rising to 24.60 feet as against the DL of 22.50 feet. According to the latest reports, the water level is expected to increase at a decreasing rate through the night, as there is a consistent inflow of water from the Naraj Barrage. Santrapur village in Tirtol Block has reportedly been cut off. Birdi Block has also been affected.
Rayagada Situation in Gunupur block is improving as rains have stopped. Vansadhara River at Gunupur is flowing at 82.66 feet against DL 84.00 feet.
Gajapati 10 GPs of Kashinagar block are likely to be affected with the rise in the water level of Vanshadhara river. Water level recorded at 12 noon on 29th August, in Vanshadhara river was 53.96 ft. against the DL 53.6 ft.
Bolangir Heavy downpours have resulted in inundation at different places of the district and 5 casualties have been reported so far.
Kalahandi 2000 people have been evacuated so far. Dry and cooked food are being supplied in the affected villages, while the media has reported 3 deaths due to dysentery.
Jagatsinghpur Water level of Devi River at Dalaighai was recorded at 61.40 ft. against the DL 57ft. At Alipingal, WL is at 12.03 meter against the DL 11.76 meter. At Macchagaon, water level is 13.03 meter against DL 13.00 meter. 13 boats are presently available with the district administration. At Naugaon Block, Badakhia village has been affected and 200 people have been evacuated and given shelter in a school by the district administration. Sanadasahi village has been marooned. This Block has received 24 metric tones of flattened rice (chura) from the Cuttack district administration. 6 more trucks are reaching from Sambalpur district. The district may need 5 more trucks of flattened rice later if the situation aggravates. The SRC has informed the District Administration to contact Paradip for mobilization of boats if needed. Baismoujas has been cut off because of rise in water level in Biluakhai River which has resulted in submerging certain sections of the State Highway. The potential threatened points in Jagatsinghpur are at Sribantapur and Badabali Blocks. The district administration has 2 powerboats and 50 country boats at their disposal. Relief materials like 2920 quintals of rice, 99 Polythene bundles, and 50 quintals of flattened rice are in stock. The Blocks that are likely to be threatened n this district are Biridi, Naugaon and Balikuda. The Block Development Officers (BDOs) at Erasama and Kujanga Blocks are also on high alert. In Kujanga Block, the GPs that are likely to be affected are Zilanasi, Hansura. Kathakota, and Balikanhi.
Sonepur In Biramaharajpur Block, 1000 people have been evacuated and have been provided with cooked food and relief materials.
Angul So far one Block, Athmalik has been affected and 10 villages are inundated. 4 country boats have been deployed fro rescue and relief. Free kitchen is functioning to provide food to the affected people. 300 people have been evacuated. In Tikarpada, 500 people have been evacuated and if water level rises and situation worsens then 5000 more people have to be evacuated.
Ganjam 4 villages have been affected in Ganjam Block. 55 thatched houses have been damaged due to flooding. 1000 people have been affected. Relief materials like flattened rice, and jaggery is being distributed.
Nayagarh So far four blocks are affected. They are Bhapur, Khandapada, Nayagarh and Daspalla. In Bhapur -- 5 villages are affected (Karabar, Nandabar, Manitri, Gudupada and Manipur). The Rural Water Supply & Sanitation (RWSS) personnel have been mobilized to these villages to repair the tube wells. In Nayagarh block, Sanpandusara and Balikuda villages have been inundated. In Khandapada block, 35 houses have been partially damaged in Ranapur tahasil and 15 houses have been partially damaged in Khandapada tahasil. In Nayagarh, damage assessment is being undertaken. So far three breaches have occurred in the district. In Nayagarh block, a breach has occurred near Balikuda village. In Khandapada, a breach has occurred near Gunthuni and Saljharia villages. In Khandapad block, the right embankment of Kuanria river has developed a breach of 5 meters width in Rakesia village and as a result, the nearby Mangrajpur village has been affected. Relief distribution in 4 villages in Bhapur Block has started. In Nuagan block, Mahitama village has been affected. Road communication in Kontilo has been totally disrupted. The SDO from the irrigation department is visited the site. In Kontilo and Gania, due to increase of water level in the inundated areas. Damages to electric wires and poles have also occurred.
In Kantilo Block and in Balikuda village under Nayagarh Block, relief distribution has started. In Bhapur Block, electricity supply in Karabar Panchayat has been disrupted.
Kendrapara In Danpur, the water level of Luna River is flowing at 32.9 meters against DL 32.5 meters. The water level is expected to rise further. The blocks that have been affected are Karakpur, Marsaghai, Mohakalpada, Kendrapada, and Derabis. Chitrotolla river in Marsaghai is flowing above danger level. The District Collector has asked for five trucks of flattened rice from Sambalpur Collector. 18 metric tones of flattened rice have reached Kendrapara and 6 truckloads of the same are being sent from Balasore district for relief aid. The flood waters released from Naraj will be reaching Kendrapara between 4 to 6 am in the morning of 30th August 2003.
Puri In Astaranga Block, Devi River, at Bauribandha is flowing at 5.1 meters against the DL 4.9 meters. The embankment has sunken by 5 feet. The GPs likely to be affected are Alasahi, Alangapur, Nuagarh, Astaranga, and Talada. In Kanti, Madhavpur, which is a tributary of Daya River, at two points i.e. Kanti -- water level 9.85 ft against the DL 10.15 ft and at Madhavpur -- water level 11.55 ft as against DL 11.30 ft. In Puri District, one breach has taken place at Kanas Block. In Brahmapurapatna village, people are being evacuated. The exact number is yet to be confirmed. Relief materials have been stored for distribution. 123 quintals of flattened rice and 30 quintals of jaggery have already been received. Three more trucks of food are to reach Puri District.
Ganjam Four villages (Barapalli, Paliabandha, Gokharakuda and Suryanarayanpur) in Ganjam block have been reportedly affected by the flood. All the major rivers in the district - Badanadi, Rushikulaya, Loharkhandi and Baghua are approaching the danger levels. CDMO will be sending a medical team to the affected villages.


  • The Chief Minister's Review Meeting took place on 29th of August to discuss the current flood situation.
  • All the District Collectors have been directed to issue red alerts through every measure possible.
  • The SRC to coordinate with the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to facilitate relief procurement and distribution.
  • Balasore, Bhadrak and Jagatsinghpur district administrations have been directed to acquire boats, which will be put to operation for rescuing people, in case situation worsens further.
  • Army and Navy have been put on high alert.
  • SRC, Orissa has communicated to his counterparts in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Chhattisgarh and briefed them about the flood situation in the State.

National Response
  • The Army has already been mobilized from Ranchi at 16.00hrs yesterday and is expected to arrive in Bhubaneshwar by early morning of 30 August.
  • Boats are also being requisitioned from Ranchi to be used if the situation aggravates further.

Items Mobilized:
  • UNDP is supporting the State Government with temporary shelters as relief materials as requested by the government to be supplied to the affected people. 10,000 polythene sheets have been procured from Kolkata and are expected to arrive by 30 August. Some more relief materials are also being mobilized from Government of Bihar.

Channel for Delivery:

National Highways (total coverage in the state): 2, 863km

State Highways (total coverage in the state): 1, 95, 914 km

Major Airports: Bhubaneshwar, Puri

Helipads: Jajpur

Weekly flights from Bhubaneshwar to Chennai, Kochi, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata

Railways: Major Junction: Bhubaneshwar, Cuttack, Rourkela

Major Stations: Jharsuguda, Bolangir, Khurda, Dhenkenal, Keonjhar, Baripada, Rayagada, Koraput, Malkangiri, Puri, Jaipur

Daily trains from Bhubaneshwar -- Puri: To Agra, Balasore, Berhampur, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderbad, Chennai.

Weekly trains from Bhubaneswar: To Bangalore, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Varanasi

Source of Information:
  • State Relief Commissioner, Government of Orissa
  • Emergency Officers of the affected districts, Government of Orissa
  • Indian Meteorological Department, Bhubaneshwar
  • Department of Water Resources , Government of Orissa
  • UNDP Orissa