Najim Beg, a 40-year-old farm labourer, gathers mud to rebuild his small house in India's Gujurat state after it was destroyed by floods. Nine days of continuous and heavy monsoon rains caused flooding that washed away houses like his in 10,000 villages in the region.
The floods also left around 250 people dead and disrupted water supply to nearly 6,000 villages, leaving many at risk of disease.
Officials in the state have evacuated over 400,000 people to safe areas, and settled them temporarily in community halls and schools.
Dams on Alert
Gujurat state has put 41 dams on high alert as water levels rose to dangerous levels. The Narmada dam is overflowing along with four other dams in Gujurat state.
Aid workers have been distributing milk and food packets in 600 camps in Gujurat. Teams have been sent out to rescue people stranded by the high waters, and the state government has prepared 400,000 food packets which are distributed through air drops.
IR Action
Islamic Relief has allocated an initial =A310,000 to bring aid to the region, and field staff are currently in Gujurat assessing the needs of those affected by the disaster.
Your donation will help the flood survivors with urgently needed food and medicines.