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India Gujarat floods: Field updates & appeal

Report on survey of flood affected areas of Kheda district 5th July 2005

Due to continuous heavy down pour from past one week in the Gujarat state many districts announced as flood affected district. The main districts affected by flood are Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Dang, Baroda and Kheda. As per the latest report total number of deaths due to floods in the state reach up to 173 and more than five hiundred thousand lacks of affected people have been shifted in relief camps. SEEDS has carried out a field visit in Kheda district and has also met government officials and affected people.

During our survey we met Mamladar Mr.R.P. Patel . As per the details given by him condition in the district is very bad because Kheda town itself was submerged in the water for five days so there was no connection during those five days with remote villages of the district. As per him right now they are in need of food packets consists of dry food.

After that the team met with DAO liaison officer of Kheda Dr.M.T.Joshi. According to Dr.Joshi all the 39 villages of the district are affected due to flood. According to him the worst affected villages are Khumarvad, Hariada, Naika, Chandana, Varsung, Mahij, Radhu & Chalindra. In all the villages on an average 4-5 houses were totally damaged due to flood. As per the basic survey almost 93000 people are affected due to flood.

As per the information from government there is one relief camp running in Government high school of Kheda town by local Nagar palika. We also visited that camp for the information regarding the population of the camp. A meeting with chief officer Mrs.Mitaben Joshiwas held . According to information given by her right now there are 800-1000 people residing in the relief camp. These people are from Kheda town only. Most of the people were living in the bank of river due to flood they have lost their houses and other things. Right now there are four kitchens are working in the town for providing food to affected people. These camps are in Ramvadi, Lambi sherry, Vitthalpura & Swaminarayan temple of the town. According to her if SEEDS wants to do some help for kitchen than we can supply material to existing kitchens running in the town. She was also told me that their biggest worry right now is to providing temporary shelter to people residing I the relief camp. She has suggested that SEEDS can do something for temporary shelter then they are ready to give us land for the same. or temporary shelter then they are ready to give us land for the same.

Appeal Title: Immediate Relief for Flood Affected Population, Gujarat

About SEEDS: SEEDS is an India based non-profit organisation working on community based environmental and disaster management for over ten years. The SEEDS team comprises development professionals with experience of disaster relief, rehabilitation and preparedness

Flood Impact: Heavy monsoon rains in Gujarat have caused severe flooding and rendered more than one million people homeless. The main districts affected by flood are Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Dang, Baroda and Kheda.As per the latest report total number of deaths due to floods in the state have reached up to 173 and more than five hundred thousand of affected people have been shifted to relief camps. The flood has caused widespread damage in the KHEDA district of Gujarat. Almost 93000 people have been reported displaced in the district. Met officials say heavy rain is expected to continue to affect the state over the next few days

Affected Community: All the 39 villages of the district Kheda are affected by the flood. According to the latest update from the field the worst hit villages are Khumarvad, Hariada, Naika, Chandana, Varsung, Mahij, Radhu and Chalindra. In all the villages on an average 4-5 houses were totally damaged due to the flood.The village houses mostly had weak structures, which got damaged in large numbers.

SEEDS Relief: SEEDS will launch relief operations in villages of Kheda District. We are currently in close contact with the local government there.A rapid assessment survey was conducted on 5th july in villages of Kheda. SEEDS will provide facilities like food, drinking water temporary toilets and shelter. We have now started preparing plans and seeking permissions to start the relief process in the villages.

Appeal Amount: 20000USD

Mode of Donation:

From India by Indians:

Bank Transfer to Account Name: SEEDS Account Number: 52810165100 Bank: Standard Chartered Bank, M-1, South Extension Part-II, New Delhi, INDIA Or Crossed cheque or bank draft in the name of 'SEEDS' Send to SEEDS, D-11, Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi - 110017 Do let us know the amount, mode and date of your donation, so that we can track it and make sure it eaches us fast. Also mail us your full contact details. We need it for our records, and it will also enable us to update you later.

From Outside India or by Non Indians Mode of International Donations:

Bank Transfer to Account Name: SEEDS-FCRA Account Number: 52810017829 Bank: Standard Chartered Bank, M-1, South Extension Part-II, New Delhi, INDIA Swift Code: SCBLINBBDEL

Clothes and material We are not collecting any material because of transportation logistics involved. Watch future updates for any changes in this.

Further Information: Email: Tel: (91-11) 26498371, (91-11) 39546289 Fax: (91-11) 26498372