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India - Floods (NDMI, IMD, FloodList) (ECHO Daily Flash of 21 September 2021)

  • Since mid-September, heavy rain has caused widespread flooding and several landslides across the States of Uttar Pradesh (northern India) and West Bengal (north-eastern India), resulting in at least 22 fatalities.

  • According to the Indian National Emergency Response Centre (NDMI), 12 people have died, and up to 84,978 individuals have been affected by heavy rain in Uttar Pradesh.

  • In West Bengal, floods related to heavy rain were worsened by the dam releases from the Galudih Barrage Dam and caused at least 10 fatalities. At least 100,000 people have been affected and about 5,000 individuals have been evacuated. Extensive damage to agriculture has been reported.

  • On 21-22 September, moderate to heavy rain is forecast over West Bengal and most of western Uttar Pradesh.