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India cyclone: Damage details update 29 Nov 1999

Affected Districts: (12)

(1) Balasore (2) Bhadrak (3) Jajpur (4) Kendrapara (5) Jagatsinghpur (6) Khurda (7) Puri (8) Cuttack (9) Nayagarh (10) Keonjhar (11) Mayurbhanj (12)Dhenkanal (partially)

Extent of Damage

Population: 125.69 lakh

Villages: 14190

Blocks/ ULBs: 97/28

Crop Area: 18.42 lakh ha.

Houses: 18.28 lakh

Loss of human life

Jagatsinghpur: 8119

Cuttack: 471

Kendrapara: 469

Puri: 301

Jajpur: 188

Bhadrak: 98

Khurda: 91

Dhenkanal: 55

Balasore: 49

Keonjhar: 31

Mayurbhanj: 10

Nayagarh: 3

Total: 9885

Persons Injured: 2507

Missing: 40

Live stock perished: 4.44 lakh

Fishing boats lost: 9085

Fishing nets lost: 22143