Summary: CHF 298,424 was allocated from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 13 July 2012 to support the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) in delivering immediate assistance to 200,000 beneficiaries.
In response to heavy flooding that hit Assam from 26 June 2012, IRCS activated its emergency response teams at district, state and national levels. Out of the IRCS’ total assistance of non-food items to 9,500 families, this DREF operation supported replenishment of 2,000 family packs of non-food items distributed from the National Society’s disaster preparedness stocks. The water purification unit was able to serve 1,500 people for a month during the most difficult time of the emergency. In parallel, the construction of four toilets, and a hygiene promotion campaign helped people improve their hygiene practices.
The outbreak of violence in Assam during the emergency phase posed additional challenges in transporting goods and deployment of resources for this relief operation. The relief operation stalled until the situation improved, which affected implementation of overall operation. The decision to temporarily suspend the operations was taken by the National Society for the safety and security of its volunteers, staff and resources.
Out of the total allocation of CHF 298,424, expenditure of CHF 135,024 had been incurred. The balance of CHF 163,400 has been returned to DREF.
The major donors and partners of this DREF operation include the Canadian Red Cross/CIDA, and the tsunami legacy fund which contributed CHF 58, 298 and CHF 240,125 respectively.
IFRC, on behalf of the National Society, would like to extend thanks to all partners for their generous contributions. Details of the contributions to the DREF can be found on