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India: Assam Floods - Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) DREF Operation no. MDRIN027


Glide n°: FL-2022-000255-IND

A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

In 2022, rains started in the state of Assam in May and resulted in flooding in 27 districts of the state. Flash floods caused landslides and erosion in Majuli and Dima Hasao districts. Approximately 670,000 people were affected by the floods during this first wave.

The flood situation became grimmer due to the monsoon season, with river water flowing above the danger line and over their riverbanks as a result of heavy rainfall. Continued rainfall in the catchment areas of the main rivers of Assam - Brahmaputra, Barak and their tributaries - since the second week of June resulted in an increase in water levels in all the major rivers in the state. Though the inundation was gradual, the extent of flooding has become more rapid over the few days before the day of reporting. Landslides affected six districts of the state. A population of about 5.6 million in 32 out of 35 districts of Assam has been affected (as of 21 June 2022) – 2.3 million men, 1.96 million women and 1.3 million children. Click here the see the map of affected areas.