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Heatwave Deaths Are Avoidable - Issue No. 210, May 2024



This issue of is titled ‘Heatwave Deaths Are Avoidable’ and highlights the fact that we know enough about how to avoid heatwave-caused death. It is up to us now to act. And that is what each of the contributors is saying in this publication. Read 18 vibrant and realize perspectives to find your own way to manage heatwave risk, to avoid heatwave-caused deaths.


1. Heatwave Deaths Are Avoidable by Mihir R. Bhatt, AIDMI, India

2. Comments from Guest Editor by Dr. Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett, Avoidable Deaths Network, UK

3. Heatwave Avoidance Techniques and Routes to Health Resilience in India by Nishant Saxena, ICMR, Madhya Pradesh, India

4. Kerala Battles the Heat: A Proactive Approach by Fahad Marzook T U, Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA), Kerala, India.

5. Heatwave Guide for Red Cross Red Crescent Branches by Prepare Centre, IFRC Global Disaster Preparedness Centre, USA

6. Heatwave: A Silent Disaster by Dr. Ambika Prasad Nanda, Head, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tata Steel, Odisha, India

7. Heat Stress and Coping Mechanism among the Kutia Kondh Tribes of Lanjigarh, Kalahandi District by T. Jyoti Rao, Research Scholar; and Dr. Madhulika Sahoo, Assistant Professor; MaaManikeshwari University, Odisha, India

8. DATA and Humanitarian Action in India by Anoushka Wanchoo, Humanitarian Aid International, New Delhi, India

9. Enhancing Heatwave Resilience in Jodhpur by Bindiya Patel, Programme Manager, and Aarohi Makdani, Urban Planner, Mahila Housing Trust, India

10. Avoidable Deaths: Recognize the Needs and Promote Preparedness for Heatwaves by Vishal Pathak, AIDMI, India

11. Use of Data to Avoid Heatwave Deaths by Akash Yadav, AIDMI, India

12. Research and Innovation Needs: How to Avoid Deaths Due to Heatwaves? by Mehul Pandya, AIDMI, India

13. Use of Appreciative Inquiry to Avoid Heatwave Deaths: A Case of Small-Scale Women Cotton Farmers by Kshitij Gupta, AIDMI, India

14. Extreme Heat: What can be done to stop this ‘silent killer’ by Colin Fernandes, and Manish A. Tewani, Asia Pacific Division, American Red Cross, Thailand

15. Mitigating Heatwave Impacts: Sustainable Solutions for Urban Environment by Jianying Liao and Dr. Samuel Cai, Lecturer in Environmental Epidemiology, University of Leicester, UK

16. The Cultural Theory of Risk and its Application to Heatwaves in South-East Asia by Christian Morgner, Senior Lecturer, Sheffield University Management School, United Kingdom

17. Global Overview of Heatwave and Avoidable Deaths by Dr Winifred Ekezie, Co-Director of Centre for Health and Society, Aston University, UK; Evidence Synthesis Coordinator, Avoidable Death Network, UK

18. Heatwave Displacement is Avoidable, and thus Death Due to Displacement by Ashish Ghadiali, Director at Radical Ecology and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, UK