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Flood Hazard Atlas of Uttar Pradesh - A Geospatial Approach


Executive Summary

Flood hazard maps are one of the very important non-structural methods of flood damage mitigation. These maps are useful in planning and regulating developmental activities in flood plains, construction of relief, rescue, and health centres. Satellites provide synoptic observations of the natural disasters at regular intervals that help in disaster risk reduction in the country. Over a period of time, National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO has created a repository of large data pertaining to the floods & cyclones in different areas of the Country. These historical flood maps, generated by NRSC/ISRO, are useful for identification of flood hazard areas. At the behest of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), NRSC/ISRO has prepared the State level and District wise Flood Hazard Zonation Atlas for Uttar Pradesh State using the available historical satellite datasets spanning over 23 years (1998 to 2020). About 139 Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellite and foreign satellite datasets (optical and microwave) during this period were acquired covering different flood magnitudes in Uttar Pradesh State and used in generating the flood hazard maps after its thorough analysis. The flood hazard zones are categorized into five classes ranging from very low hazard zone to very high hazard zone based on the hazard classification schema finalized by the expert committee constituted by NDMA. Peak flood level data from 31 gauge stations of UP State during the period 1998 to 2020 has been obtained from Central Water Commission and integrated in preparing District Level Flood Hazard Index Zoning. Geo-spatial database like village administrative boundaries, roads, rains, water-bodies, point of interest data has been integrated in preparing State level and District level flood hazard maps. Flood inundation extent and frequency of flood occurrence maps are provided along with the list of villages falling in various hazard categories in the Atlas. These flood hazard maps have been validated on ground by the Government of Uttar Pradesh, through its district administration. Suggestions given by them are incorporated in this report. State level and district level flood hazard statistics are provided in the atlas. Inundation observed is mainly due to the South west monsoon induced heavy torrential rains and also due to riverine floods. It is observed that about 26.5 lakh hectares of land in UP State is affected by major floods during 1998 to 2020 as per satellite observations. It is believed the Atlas would serve as a useful resource of information for policy makers, planners and civil society groups and find its value towards flood risk evaluation, sustainable development and flood mitigation efforts in the Uttar Pradesh State. This atlas will be useful in preparing disaster management action plans at state level and in disaster risk reduction in the country.