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Endline Assessment of Fortification of Mid-Day Meal Programme in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, February-November 2020


Assessment of WFP India’s support to the Government of Uttar Pradesh to provide an operationally feasible and economically viable model on integrating fortified rice in the Mid Day Meals to create a positive impact on the micronutrient status and functional performance of school children for potential scale-up across the state.

Considering the poor nutritional status of children, the Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) along with the WFP, undertook a pilot project on fortification of the MDM in Varanasi. The overall objective of the pilot project was to provide GoUP with an operationally feasible and economically viable model on integrating fortified rice in the MDM to create a positive impact on the micronutrient status and functional performance of school children for potential scale-up across the state. Evidence generated through the assessment clearly shows that the fortification of rice served under MDM is operationally feasible. Further results shows that the awareness about anaemia and under nutrition significantly improved among the students and prevalence of illness among the children declined from baseline to endline. Based on the findings, report provide recommendations to the GoUP.