At a time when migrants’ contribution to the national economy through remittances are significantly increasing, the ‘well being’ aspects of migrants are yet to be well recognized within policy, planning, budgeting and implementation processes. There have been enough literatures and evidences which indicate that migrants are forced to face various challenges including stigma and discrimination, extra charges to recruitment agencies, harassments at work place, lack of information, and lack of access to health care facilities; these factors in one way or the other play critical role to increase migrant’s vulnerability in different forms. Especially when there are public health concerns including HIV and AIDS, the vulnerabilities of migrants are even critical.
There have been many studies to understand migrant’s vulnerability to HIV which have helped to understand the issues, context and develop strategies to address vulnerabilities around migration and HIV. Comparatively it has been noticed that there are few research and studies conducted among the sailors who are also migrants. In this context, the significance of this study, “Bangladeshi Sailor’s Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS” is to offer some new learning and understanding around the context of sailors and HIV, especially those travelling from Bangladesh to India.
The research reflects some aspects about the work experiences and mobility patterns of sailors, their access to health services, sexual behaviors, awareness on HIV and STIs. The report also talks about living and working conditions of the sailors, their remuneration, long working hours, threat of natural disasters, their lifestyles, behaviors and potential vulnerabilities towards HIV and AIDS. We hope this study has been able to explore new domain of knowledge in migration and AIDS response and thus will be useful for all the stakeholders to reflect on the issues and develop their intervention strategies.
I would like to appreciate Mirza Manbira Sultana, Navneet Kaur and Surajit Chakraborty, the authors of this study for their collective efforts. I would also like to appreciate everyone who participated, provided information and supported to conduct the study and those who reviewed the final product.
Prabodh Devkota Senior Regional Project Director EMPHASIS - CARE International