In Numbers
172.46 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 144 k cash-based transfers made
USD 174.6 m total requirements
35,227 people assisted
Operational Updates
• Under Activity 1, the First Lady of Honduras, Ana García Carias together with the representative of the World Food Programme, Judith Thimke, the Minister of Education (SEDUC), Arnaldo Bueso and the Deputy Minister Development and Social Inclusion (SEDIS), Lissi Matute Cano, received from different regions of the country the top five winners of the National Drawing Contest "Zero Hunger: Why is it important for you to receive a meal at school?". The drawing contest was carried out in public schools. The purpose of this event is to empower the new generations on the importance of achieving SDG 2 Zero Hunger in Honduras and how, from the perspective of a boy or girl, we can achieve it. The winning drawings were selected by renowned national artists such as Carolina Carías and Francisco Pinto Rodezno, along with representatives of SEDUC, SEDIS and WFP. The artworks were sent to Rome, Italy, to participate in WFP World Drawing Contest 2019.
• WFP CO and the National Institute of Forest Conservation (ICF) organized a ceremony to officially certify Declarations of Micro-watersheds and Forest Plantations in Marcala, Province of La Paz. This process is part of the efforts of the Government to implement the national policies, which include social, environmental and economic issues; and international commitments on Climate Change. The WFP CO resilience programme aims to reduce the vulnerability of the affected population to the impacts of climate change and food insecurity.
• WFP Honduras organized a field visit with Canada's Ambassador James K. Hill and Development Cooperation Director Abebech Assefa. The purpose of this mission was for the Ambassador to learn and experience the work done by WFP on issues of resilience, climate change adaptation and women's empowerment in rural contexts. As well, highlight the work and synergies that WFP Field Office and Swiss Contact are developing related to entrepreneurship activities and support to “Cajas Rurales” (Community based Organizations for saving and credit accounts)