In Numbers
2,108.90 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 2 m cash-based transfers made
USD 188 m total requirements
520,187 people assisted
Operational Update
• The U.S. Agency for International Development (acronym USAID) announced a donation of USD 4 million for food assistance through WFP, to the households most affected by the COVID-19 emergency. WFP under SO4/ACT5 Assistance on Emergencies will implement the assistance to 14,000 households that have exhausted their food reserves in vulnerable communities in the Dry Corridor. The assistance will be developed through a cash-based transfer modality to support and help restore food security following Biosecurity measures. As well,
WFP received the Germany Funds donation for EUR 800,000 that will support the humanitarian intervention to 3,200 households suffering from food insecurity. The assistance will be complementary to the efforts made by the Government of Honduras and will focus mainly on urban and peri-urban areas, where the situation of the lockdown has impacted the job opportunities and food access to the most vulnerable households.
• WFP under SO4/ACT5 Assistance on Emergencies has almost completed the first cycle of the assistance to the most vulnerable households, through three assistance modalities that are Cash-Based Transfers (CBT), in-kind baskets, and e-cards of a supermarket service provider.
To date, the assistance to beneficiaries has been implemented for Cash-Based Transfers a 100 percent, for in-kind baskets 100 percent and the e-cards an 88.55 percent. The first cycle of assistance will have assisted more than 29,000 vulnerable households in rural, periurban and urban areas, including a particular focus on Chorti, Lenca, and Misquito indigenous population, to improve food security in the current COVID-19 crisis.
• The CO under SO 3 SO3/ACT 4 Resilience Programme started the assistance with an in-kind food basket to 1,789 households, representing 58 percent of the total number of beneficiaries. The assistance started in 16 municipalities of the provinces of Choluteca, El Paraiso, Francisco Morazán, and La Paz following Biosecurity measures. The programme is supporting primary production to ensure the food crops of the first cycle. Also, actions such as good agricultural practices, land-water management, conservation, construction of water crops, irrigation systems, training, and the establishment of agroforestry nurseries, among others.
• WFP under SO2/ACT3 Vulnerable Groups distributed complementary fortified food (Super Cereal Plus) to more than 120 health centres in 34 municipalities of the Dry Corridor. The assistance has benefited 7,877 households. WFP and the Ministry of Health (acronym in Spanish SESAL) prepared the third distribution for July.
CO started discussions with the SESAL for the renewal of the agreement for 2022-2026 and is evaluating the possibility of expanding the programme. As a first step, CO has begun to assess the impacts of the Food Security and Nutrition intervention of the beneficiary children in the first cycle of life of 1,000 days for the targeted municipalities.
• WFP under SO1/ ACT 1 School Feeding assisted the second school food distribution of the National School Feeding Programme (acronym in Spanish PNAE). The distribution will be for 53 days in 129 municipalities prioritized by their vulnerability, in the provinces of Atlántida, Colón, Comayagua, Francisco Morazán, Copán, Gracias a Dios, Bay Islands, La Paz, Lempira, Ocotepeque, Olancho, Santa Barbara, and Yoro. The GoH under the Strategy for the Attention to Indigenous and AfroHonduran People (acronym in Spanish PIAH) is currently benefiting 365,529 schoolchildren. WFP coordinates the logistics support mechanisms in delivery, organizing the reception, and the food distribution following the Biosecurity measures.
• WFP Honduras has taken action to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak in the country, declared by WHO as a Global Pandemic Outbreak. The CO is actively involved in the National Risk Management System (SINAGER). Currently, Honduras faces a weak and limited public health system. The economic impacts of the COVID-19 will have long consequences even after the crisis, affecting socio-economic recovery.
• The high level of insecurity, migration, local displacement, and the challenging socio-economic situation require a strong partnership with national, UN and other actors to support development efforts and particularly progress towards SDG 2.
• WFP Honduras continues to mobilize resources locally and internationally.