WFP Honduras has one of the largest Cash Based Transfer (CBT) portfolios in Latin America. Beyond the relief and recovery operation, food assistance in form of CBT is also provided in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities.
WFP partnered with the Government of Honduras to manage an innovative Home Grown School Feeding programme, ensuring diversified and nutritious school meals for children. In collaboration with municipalities and farmers associations, WFP is providing fresh products such as eggs and vegetables.
Operational Updates
The Government’s School Feeding Programme, supported by WFP for the inclusion of fresh vegetables and eggs has been a success among schoolchildren and local producers, as it encouraged local production, and promoted higher nutritional intake and dietary diversity for school children.
WFP Honduras and its partners implemented activities and processes that contributed to stronger community organization, cohesion and empowerment through the active engagement of Municipal and Local Emergency Committees; creation of community assets and infrastructure such as roads, schools, health centers; injection of cash into local markets to promote local economies, employment generation, stimulation of retailers and traders, and support of local food farmers.
The Study and Analysis of Market Prices (Fresh Products) was carried out under the leadership of the SEDIS (Ministry of Inclusion and Social Development) and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH). The analysis concluded with a need for alignment between prices paid to Cajas Rurales, Mancomunidades and those of local markets. The study will be further developed with key counterparts and donors, such as FAO, USAID, GoH / Eurosan and WFP.
- WFP needs extra funding to assist the food insecure population identified by the latest Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA), whose results point to crop losses of above 50 percent for nearly half of the households. Of these, 60 percent have no food reserves and 35 percent are food insecure. The high level of insecurity in country, including drug trafficking and corruption, continues to pose a challenge to WFP operations and staff wellbeing, so far this year more than 280 murders have been reported.